Chalupa Batwoman

You made a comment on an article all about you and how it makes you feel and had the gall to tell the author to change it because of your own reaction. Kind of crazy your first inclination was to dish out a criticism but can't handle that it's being returned to you.

I’m curious how you were mislead, the title explains exactly what goes on in the article. Any inference about what that meant when you first saw it was entirely of your own design. You didn’t say the interview subject deserves respect. You told an author to change the title of an article she wrote that you didn’t like

Sometimes it just feels good to call a mean lame person a curse word! Cheers internet homie!

Because for religious people every bad thing is a carefully engineered test and every good thing is a blessing handcrafted by their skydaddy.

Ok yeah but like have you had pico de gallo?

I don’t call names either usually but it was cathartic to do it in this instance. Like really, this isn't a Disqus comment thread. If you're gonna step with that knuckle dragging idiotic troll game around here just don't.

Go troll on gawker dickhead, you stand a chance of someone legitimately taking your bait.

Me too!! The only thing holding me back is that once you start growing it out you will have weird short hairs poking out everywhere which I know will just make me regret all the things

Always know that I can trust a person who uses the term ‘lib’ to give a measured opinion full of nuance and thoughtfulness.

And to take it one further when you actively campaign against equal rights for those communities you play into the hands of people who lash out violently. You guys are on the same team whether or not you condemn their violent acts. You give them an elected official to vote into office to really make their warped

It’s like Patton Oswalts bit. I’d rather have an ally who used poor phrasing than an enemy of he cause who knows all the terminology and uses it correctly to perpetuate their shitty values.

She is also a human who looks forever youthful!

In either case, medical intervention or no, she's doing it right!

The world would probably be better with a baby she made, but can't blame her for just wanting to live her best life all the time :)

My best friend has the word ‘COOCHIE’ on her inner bottom lip.

I prefer fallopian myself but all the lady words are pretty fun!

Perhaps not for Ryan Seacrest though? His life seems a little charmed.

ok but can we speculate on whether or not she bathes in the blood of virgins or is an actual vampire because girlfriend does not age???

Not an insult either.

He'd never be invited to one because he has no friends :( wonder why???