
My F150 got stuck on the way down so I had to spend another 8 bucks on a Mirage to knock it loose.

they also gave me a sippy cup

I’m actually 13

My daily driver, on a 2500 mile road trip after putting the engine back together less than two weeks before. Highly recommended! 

Scroll through the comments, maybe there’s a solution for you?

It’s not just David and Jason leaving man. It’s the broken comments system. It’s the constant listicles. It’s the lack of proof reading, the lazy reprints/links to other outlet’s articles, the ill advised hot takes like the “It’s okay people are robbing trains because they lost their jobs” article from a few weeks

Can a Tesla be programmed to go faster than the published speed limit? It would be maddening to be driven around at the speed limit when everyone else is doing 10-15 over.  It would be like being driven by my father in law that does this in the left lane.

[cracks open beer]

I always thought the Challenger was the best looking of the three Pony cars

I think any sub-100k mile Japanese car costs $4k+ these days.

Hi Jason, it’s your friendly volunteer editor here. I’ve got a revised candidate for your 7th paragraph:

How old do you think I am?

Thank god they didn’t know my friend Brandon was in the car.

what I want in my car is a dumb display and a bluetooth speaker system.

I’ll bring my own computation thank you very much.

I guess SAAB is totally in “Other”? Bummer they don’t even warrant their own callout anymore.

I hope the gas station doesn’t feel too bad. Plenty of gas stations go off prematurely like that. 

 i think Jose mostly told us he didn't know much about suspension. I'm not sure he told us anything about the tundra. 

Yeah, this was a fairly bad take. The off-road trims have a payload penalty, calling it the “top trim” and then making conclusions is bad.

What a weird take. I mean, 1455 ish lbs is a really good number for an off-road trim. It’s more than a Raptor, it’s more than a TRX, it’s not that far off from a power wagon (non-tradesman)

David, please ask a local Polizei/highway patrol what the penalty would’ve been for taking your postal Jeep out on the highway in Deutschland.