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We posted about this years ago. That post did almost 500,000 views. They did nothing then. They can, and will, do nothing now.

Kyle! You blogged!

Yeah, I hope they repeal Obama-Net! If Cable Monopolies can't fuck consumers AND content providers up the ass then we're stifling the hard dick of capitalism! Before you know it people will get used to streaming Netflix at reasonable speeds and then socialism will consume our great nation. A sad day indeed.

They used irony incorrectly. Everything else spot on though. I've been burning people's houses down to free the carbon. Just doing the lords work.

If you're referring to Fox, I avoid them even more than CNN.

Look inside, you must. Only you can truly help yourself :)

Try "Focusing Inwardly Never Giving Early Regrets."

In that case they'll need Meditation On Principles or Neo Emerging Wisdom Psychological Attributes Nearing Total Sincerity.

And don't forget FART (Filter All Regressing Thoughts).

If your family's heritage is "racist asshole" and you display that proudly, I'm going to think "racist asshole." End of story.

Lulz at "the south will rise again"

Cool story, bro.

Silly Challahback. Constitutional requirements don't count if you're white.

I'm pretty sure Challahback knows that standard gravity is 9.8 (or 9.81 or 9.80665) m/s^2, and intentionally changed the unit (lolololol) to inches. He also dropped the "per second per second" because I guess acceleration makes less sense than velocity in an imaginary porn title. Which I agree with, and I'm not sure

*rapturous applause*