So are the shitty G/O Media masters now just bringing in freelancers on the promise that they can plug their shit for half a post as long as something goes up on the site? How is this not marked as a fucking ad?
He’s riding your mother like Seabiscuit. That’s where Hunter is.
My Grandma thinks if he gets convicted we should get to burn him alive on national tv. Maybe during the Super Bowl.
Seriously. I hate that Splinter is gone and the sad thing is, I don’t miss it as much for their own posts as for the bulk of smart commenters who dug deeper and offered additional links and information. I can read the news anywhere, but I don’t dip into comment sections anywhere outside of the GMG...which I guess…
Its easy to do if you cut off the bottom of the mason jar.
Then she made a venison stew that yielded far more leftovers than she’d anticipated. After six days, her husband rebelled.
Fitting all of your nail clippings into a mason jar, however, is pretty easy.
I know I’m not his target customer but Kanye’s design aesthetic is so drab and depressing I can’t fathom why anyone would buy his overpriced stuff.
Are these hideous, overpriced Croc-knockoffs sold by a MAGA dipshit OK?
Please send all blank checks, money orders, cash, cocaine, or wigs to:
‘Sleepy Hollow’ needed to commit more to its premise. I remember when Orlando Jones’ character came back from the (apparent) dead and walked into a 7/11 to eat and drink everything in sight. I thought, “Wait, are they making him Famine? Yes, more Horsemen! The apocalypse is on track.”
Yeah, it would be kind of awesome if the AAF put something out this week banning Manziel, even though they’ve been out of operation for months.
“I am a woman who loves cheese. I am a woman who has boobs.”
Never did watch Arrow, not out of dislike, but access (haven’t had cable for years, not going to ... obtain it, if it is/was on Canadian netflix I had too much other stuff to watch).
Have you considered writing 95 of these down and nailing them to the door of a church?
...stopped serving seasoned beef this past weekend over concerns about quality standards.
Skip Skip and just pay attention to Rick.