
Your Story#1 was almost exactly my experience except I was in high school.  I don’t know if that’s just always their method or what.

Hey Dancing Bacons! I recently found them also, their videos are strangely hypnotic.

All the King’s Horses - I got nothing here.

Don’t worry, we can use Square Enix’s official title :

I mean, I’m excited that Abrams is not writing and may not be directing, so in a way that’s correct.  Hopefully Abrams is “producing” in the way that it’s hands off and the studio just wanted his name on the project, and not “producing” in the way that he’s shadow writing and directing.

Technically, this movie was the first one released theatrically after COVID, but the last one released theatrically prior to the Mecha-Ebola pandemic of 2022.

It’s really good investigative reporting. Maybe the Marvel universe has a version of Unsolved Mysteries that does dramatic re-enactments of Avengers stuff based on forensic evidence.

My assumption is that since Tony Stark is a HUGE egotist he probably wrote multiple autobiographies during the 5 years of the snap. Also during Far From Home, it looks like several movies have been made about Stark, Wakanda, and other Avengers business. I want to see them do a show in the style of World War Z (the

Was Chun Li the dinosaur or the gorilla from Killer Instinct?

Not sure what you mean, they're the same picture

-you dingus

My favorite was in the Gamecube version of Soul Calibur 2 you could play as Sephiroth vs. Ghost Rider

Good for NASA, but I can’t help noticing that everyone is overlooking the middle part of their press release.

I think you might be confusing Chun-Li with King from Tekken. Chun-Li was in Soul Calibur.

This is the guy who is so well known for blowing the endings of his stories that he appears as himself in the It (clown movie) remake and talks about how bad the author stand-in character is at writing endings.


She was from Alderaan so I'm not sure what planet she died on the way to, but not her home planet. 

Haha, no that would be crazy

No!  Bad!

I thought the movie was fine and then they showed Tails at the end and my brain shorted out. Now all I remember from the first movie is I want to see more Tails