
Your Story#1 was almost exactly my experience except I was in high school.  I don’t know if that’s just always their method or what.

Hey Dancing Bacons! I recently found them also, their videos are strangely hypnotic.

Don’t worry, we can use Square Enix’s official title :

Was Chun Li the dinosaur or the gorilla from Killer Instinct?

Not sure what you mean, they're the same picture

-you dingus

My favorite was in the Gamecube version of Soul Calibur 2 you could play as Sephiroth vs. Ghost Rider

I think you might be confusing Chun-Li with King from Tekken. Chun-Li was in Soul Calibur.

Do drinks count?  Give me Snapple Element drinks back or give me death!  And bring back Frutopia while you’re at it!

Quarantine has got me up to 2 bumps of Batman: TAS every day.

The worst part about you copying my comment is that you somehow did it 33 minutes before I posted my comment. You are a masterful thief.

There’s nothing in the rulebook that says a dog can’t play basketball! Therefore, we must surrender our own judgment and allow this dog to play basketball until someone else tells us what to do!

“Warning: Easy Off Oven Cleaner should NOT be mixed with Kahlua for a tasty cocktail, not fed to babies In lieu of pureed peas, not used a currency to purchase a monthly transit pass (continued on other box)...”

It’s been really fun.  It’s been taking me about a month to finish each one in my spare time.

In June I started replaying every main FF. I took a break for December but I’m currently in the middle of FF9.

Mine is Frosty Village from Diddy Kong Racing

Someone, somewhere is furiously writing a script for a kid’s heist movie where they have to find the Lost Warehouse filled with 7 Billion tickets.

Hell, hide the candy around your house in Easter eggs. It’s 2020, time is a meaningless Hellscape. It could even be Easter and Halloween and Thanksgiving, let the kids dress up in their costumes and you can hide Easter eggs filled with turkey and gravy for them to find.

Going from that header image I’m assuming it was originally called Untitled Kid Icarus Clone 2020

Every episode of The Flash starts with “My name is Barry Allen, and I’m the fastest man alive” and then my brain goes “Until... We got a burn notice on you, you’re black listed”