
I’ll take case if it comes in Honey Barbeque flavor.

We need to get the UNSPEAKABLE HORROR into the debates!

The PS5 and Xbox ??? both released today, but neither Sony or Microsoft are prepared to reveal the price of their new console. For customers buying the new consoles, they can swipe their cards and they will receive a receipt without the price listed. They also have to sign a Confidentiality Agreement that says they

It will be called the Swatch, and it will have a small clock on the back.

It’s a weird time to live when one of our political parties is collaborating with a Pandemic.

Square Enix Wants To Release Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2 As Soon As It Can


I prefer Beck

Republicans: Every life is precious, abortion is MURDER

Tribal Gathering, a festival that touted itself as “like no other event on Earth.”

It’s how some pet-lovers have already managed to turn Fallout 76 into a weird, post-apocalyptic rendition of Pokemon. These players deserve to finally get proper pets that won’t randomly glitch out or run off and get themselves killed.

I would do this, but I’m afraid I would just get random neighborhood jerks seeing and yelling at me to BrInG bAcK tHe NaTiOnAl DeX

Oh, no. That’s too bad.

I’m not a speed-running expert, but I’ll be happy to help you change your mind.  I have this scoop all ready, just need something to crack that dome open.

I think the joke was saying that the final episode of the FF7 remake will take 9 years to come out.

After Temtem and now this, I’m excited for next week’s release of Super Marco Cousins.

Before I figured I had FF7 Remake to play until Cyberpunk 2077 was out but now the remake is out 6 days before 2077.

Oh, sure I throw it away now, and then what happens next week when I suddenly need a PS/2 mouse or the power cable to an old Game Boy that stopped working 10 years ago?

Shut up

So it’s gonna end up costing what? $240