This is the goodest question I’ve heard in a long time.
If you’re willing to be the back half of a moose, I’ve got a plan...
How hard is it to sneak into Canada?
Goat LMD simulator
This has to be dating sim all the way or this will flop! Hulk goes on date with Thor!!! OMG SQUEEE!!!
Dancing game, like Kinect Star Wars :D
Retail First Party Launch Games (Country of Origin)
NES | Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Popeye
SMS | Hang-On, Teddy Boy Blues or Marksman Shooting & Trap Shooting 7800 | Asteroids, Centipede, Food Fight
TGFX | Bikkuriman World, Shanghai
Genesis | Space Harrier II, Super Thunder Blade
SNES | F-Zero, Super Mario World
Unions in Western Europe seem to work better because they already had a cultural forebear: the guild system. So labor being a skill and having representation as such is more valued.
‘He’s very comfortable with his win’
Wait, wait, wait- so this is neither a pic from the 20th or 21st of this year, but basically a stock photo of the 2013 Obama inaugeration stolen from a closed business??? I don’t understand how people can be this incompetent.
That is all
It must be exhausting to be so easily offended. The amount of time and effort he puts into being petty is almost impressive.
I think it would be easier to make a flow chart of what Trump and the feds aren’t doing wrong. :O
Can confirm the indiscriminate use of flashbangs; I was about 100 feet away from them* when they were going off and those things are fucking loud. The police would throw them down and then rush forward at the same time, grabbing anyone who was too stunned to back away.
I need a legit flow chart of everything Trump / the Government is doing wrong, updated by the hour.
Does anyone want to turn this into a website with me?
My Trump-voting colleague has spent the last year interviewing and going through the motions to enroll in a particular federal job training program that would have guaranteed him a significantly higher salary and better benefits than our current job. Hebjust told me that he can’t get hired now because of Trump’s…