He wants to be president but he doesn’t want to do president.
He wants to be president but he doesn’t want to do president.
I wake up at least 5 times per week, read a headline, and say to myself “what the fuck world am I living in.”
“He has not been a person to do staged events for the sake of doing staged events.”
“Old man doesn’t understand how voting works, wants someone to tell him how to feel about things: The story of the 2016 Election.”
I just read an article today that said more or less this - that the best way to get his goat is to not watch him. Making his speeches and interviews the lowest rated of their kind will drive him crazy. Stay informed, read the press coverage the next day so you know what’s going on, but opt out of watching all his…
Whaaaaaa I won’t support a foundation that helps thousands of people in times of crisis every week because my video game health packs look different....
Trump: “I met a black man today. He was the very best black man. His Father was one of the best black men to ever be alive besides me.”
I must’ve been watching the wrong game cause Buck and Aikman had their mouths so full of cowboy dick I couldn’t understand them.
Team forecast to win by 15, wins by 18. Film at 11.
Even though the Cowboys lost, there is just something special about Prescott and I really hope they avoid the damn Romo discussion again. Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a new statement, but it was just insane how calm and collected he was in that second half.
Here’s my impression of the average Washington Post commenter and my reaction.
I think it would have been really hard for them to keep touring AND run the government in Washington DC.
My four year old spent 20 minutes peeling paper wrappers off crayons yesterday.
“Try getting a 3- or 4-year-old today to sit for 12 minutes...”
TRY CONCUSSION WATER TODAY! (side effects may include sticky feet and poor coordination)
So it was an inside job?
Bad coordination due to poor blood flow is often one of the side effects of lack of sex.
Found the Seahawk fan ERRR i mean “The 12"
I intend to boycott all of these artists, assuming I can remember who any of them are five minutes after I stop reading this article.