
i’m trying to buy a house right now.


I agree, I think thats what helped the original Wii with WiiSports. I never owned the WiiU version, even though it seems fun.

I would say that it’s among the biggest disgraces of our era, but I’m sure something will disgust me more before the hour is up.

He wouldn’t even ask for a reach-around.

Chaffetz has such a hard-on for Trump, it’s embarrassing. I’d put real money down that he’d totally slobber all over Trump’s knob if he asked. It’s that obvious.

I can think of another new symbol that more accurately gauges fan interest

You know, I’ve looked and I’ve looked and I just can’t see anywhere in my comment where I said a single fucking thing about Hillary Clinton.

As the residents of Trumpistan are so fond of saying, she lost. Get over it. Focus on the short-fingered piss golem we’ve got to deal with now.

I don’t think any reasonable person doubts that those things would be far less likely under Clinton.

My expectations and hopes are unbelievably low. I’ll actually consider the next four years a success if there are no nuclear weapons deployed and no significant land wars. I’m assuming that the economy, the social safety net, and basic human decency are already doomed.

I don’t understand what’s ironic about writing about a presidential candidate and then continuing to write about that individual once they’re elected. Help me out here?

Please don’t forget:

Let’s be real though. Trump’s rise is in large part because the people who voted for him don’t really give a shit about those norms and traditions. That’s in part because they’re fucking idiots and in part because the Establishment he’s positioned himself against for years had a “Oh yeah, we really care about

Let’s face it, 240 years was a pretty good, if not unprecedented, run for any republic. Now you’re all set for a despotic banana republic. Good luck with it.

Jeff Sessions: Too racist for 1986. Just racist enough in 2017.

Now playing

I would like Jezebel to post a video of Marco Rubio laying into Rex Tillerson about Russia and Vladimir Putin being a war criminal. Here it is. It’s excellent:

I made this the other night because fuck this guy

That’s my response to every utterance of his name, along with “Just shut up, you fucking imbecile.”

Nothing witty, I just hope he fucking dies.