
Both of my great grandfathers died fighting the Nazis and if I have to do the same then so be it. Time for real men to stand up to Hitler. I’m ready to be a hero. Are you?

In other words: The Los Angeles thing turned out precisely how everyone outside the NFL thought it would.

Who would have thought Seth Meyers would emerge as the hard-hitting late-night personality?

They may very well be bullshit, but given that they being read by and presumably to some extent informing the judgments of our nation’s senior political leaders and journalists, they are clearly a matter of legitimate public interest

Just make sure you know what you’re signing up for at his hotels.

Why yes. Yes, I do.

Yeah, he just happened to get arrested with them.

Nothing is going to prove he’s a member of the KKK. They don’t hand out membership cards and reminder letters about society dues any more than BLM does.

You can judge a man by the company he keeps.

I did Nazi that coming.

What’s the best Age to have kids? Never.

“I’d say in a given week I probably only do about fifteen minutes of real, actual, work”

Well, Bob, I wouldn’t say he’s MISSING the Knicks game.

This should really set the standard for any more boat takes this season. Any article should contain a minimum of five puns about boats, sailing, etc.

Who wants the Giants to lose this game more:
A) The Cowboys whose only losses this season have been to the Giants;

Is this Drew’s account?

“hey guys, what do you think about that Halo Lego game they almost made ?”

Just another college football Saturday.

“I had a virus warking.”

“Why do we need Ambassadors. I mean they’re great guys, the best, but when I let everyone know about everything via Twitter using the best words, you know they’re tremendous words, what’s the need for them.