
that is correct

I never had any problems with FFA. Am always surprised when I hear this.

it is funny you split this as the end of the first age of FFs, in my mind I always did it in 3s (1-3; 4-6; 7-9; 10-12)


The notion that III is better than X or even XII is rank madness.

(reads explanation) (eyes glaze over)

It got even better!!!!!

Still far more than Trump has donated to any Army.

i CTE what you did there

I’m curious how Goodell will respond. On the one hand, he hates celebrations, on the other, the League likes to look the other way when players are getting their bells rung.

And thanks to the NFL’s official online ticket exchange, his dad was able to see it happen from the stands.

we need a larger version so we can use it to play DnD.

The trailer

There’s not much to work with once you take out the running gag of him threatening domestic violence against her for being sassy and quick-witted.

I recall that they already “flipped the script” in the sixties by turning the cast into animated cavemen.

I’ve said from the beginning that this whole “Melania is concerned about her son!” nonsense is s load of bullshit. . . but you know - Republicans just eat up “family values”.


The only person this could shock is Cheetolini himself - and he would simply dismiss it as fake news, and maybe demote the person that informed him of his record-setting low ratings.

Is it good news or bad news that the 86% of people who approve of his transition so far have no idea what the fuck is happening in his transition so far?