
That’s the amount of tainted meat currently moving at a glacial pace through his ill fated digestive tract. A shitload

That made me laugh. Because I initially thought he looked like the “time to make the donuts,” guy... which then became...

I never understood Leif Garrett. What look is he going for? Portrait of a teenage gigolo? I mean if we were going for pretty little boys; at the time, Andy Gibb and Shawn Cassidy or Jimmy MacNichol were much prettier and could sing better. (I can swear about Jimmy, but Leif couldn’t sing at all so, it’s a fair bet).

Wow. I didn’t know who that was until I got to the pubic hair. For a second I was going to go with the best picture of Shelly Duval.

Sane people had that problem... with Rick Springfield, but still.

And rumor has it he was hung, too. Probably still is. You know, in whatever memory care facility he is currently residing in.

Now, I think you are confusing Jimmy Osmund and Scott’s cousin Jimmy Biao who was on Soap. Tiger

It was magical for the first third and then, sweet Jesus—the tart meth on top of the whip cream melted into the main part and shit got too real for me.

I was so disappointed the promised beating the shit out of each other scene never materialized. They need to do this movie! Jason and the Rock have so much sizzle. And they are both so cute with kids. And they can bring back Helen Mirren. This is a win.

That invites them to continue the conversation AND start an argument.

“But... but you’ll die alone!”

It’s like cats. They know who wants nothing to do with them and it is just hypnotic. “Who is this exotic specimen ignoring my lure of cuteness? I must mark them with fur (or snot).”

My husband really doesn’t care for them. Kids are fascinated by him. It’s kind of hilarious. They follow him around.

Come on. Everybody knows that Jesus didn’t die on Good Friday. Because of his time in the Far East he learned techniques where he could put his body into a deep trance state to appear dead to the stupid Romans. Then the Marys, who were in on it, were all like “Take him down, take him down, we have to put him in that

OMG Tiffany is Egg. It makes so much sense now.

He is like a feudal prince when it comes to throwing parties?

We always had a choice of A-1 or Heinz 57. I always went without because... standards...

Yikes. It’s super easy to find. Google crazy Kitchen Nightmare’s crazy and whomp; there it is.

Just watching the compilation, it looks like the best episode of anything ever. I am off to scour the internet until I find the whole thing so I can download it that I might hoard like a dragon.

Oh... that’s delightful! Where can I see the whole episode?