
Like Rosemary’s Baby has taught us, inadvertent and unwilling conception of the AntiChrist at least come with pretty sweet real estate.

The least believable part of this entire episode series was that a millenial couple a few years post college with a baby in their early 20s would be able to afford such a sweet mid-century home in California.

This is just an educated guess, but, um....

She chose her gilded cage, and she can rot in it!

If Melania treats people at the WH with the same haughty contempt that she treats the American people, I’d say the sack of shit had it coming.


It certainly flow from the top.

All of these abominable people deserve each other 

Probably not, but not many other administrations would have given a power hungry retired general all that power.

Obviously I don’t really care, because Melania sucks, but I wonder if she and her staff are being treated with the same respect as previous FLOTUS’. It seems they’re not, which is fine because all of these people deserve to be miserable. 

The best scene is where she starts choking and they realize that none of them knows the Heimlich maneuver, they relied too much on magic. Many say that wizards could get a lot more done in Harry Potter if they just upgraded to cell phones instead of using owls.

Collins is a welcome addition to this series hopefully that have her back for other seasons. Or have her show up on Pose her and Electra can have a bitch off.

I am good with all Bubbles and Myrtle all the time. They are both fabulous, and honestly them having dinner with a bitchy B.D. Wong was pretty much all I needed.

Weight Witchers

so it’s pretty much about the Donner party?

I’m naming my first child Gecky and you can’t stop me

I would absolutely watch a show in which Laurie Metcalf played a character named Smackie.

How about they just keep the whole cast but have them play different characters each season from various points in British history? Worked for Blackadder.

I don’t know shit about ice dancing but I would imagine it adds to challenge for the Shibutanis when they can’t rely on the tried and true “sexy” dancing / routines to “create characters” or “show connections”.

That’s one of the reasons I found the Shibs so refreshing—they weren’t hunching all over the place like coked up rabbits. It was elegant, classy, emotive ice dancing.