
That bothered me too. Yeah, it’s not good that the 10 year old kid didn’t want to let the homeless lady come into his house because she looked gross and smelly, but wasn’t it a good idea that he didn’t want to let the weird stranger come into his house because she might be some magical malevolent forest entity?

If the robots need my uterus for something, they need to abduct me fair and square, just like the aliens do. I will not be volunteering.

It depends on the rest of her décor. The fact that she bought a diamond bracelet for under $130.00 tells me her house is tacky as hell. And not in an AWESOME “I am Buck Owens biggest fan and I love myself!” way. She thinks she is classy.

As much as I love her here, I can’t help but feel in her mind’s eye it’s Roger’s face she’s digging her heel into.

So that doesn’t sound pleasurable...

What is he talking about? At least I knew Trump was confusing a late term abortioin with a C-section.

Here’s the deal, all the good shit is on television in November.

See and Hillary admitted she had joke writers.

I would have felt worse, but then I had to look at how badly his jacket was tailored in the shoulders for the whole experience and I felt my inner Dowager Countess of Grantham rising to the surface.

My husband didn’t like her before this campaign, but now has developed a huge crush on her because she is clearly a magnificent bastard, who has run a multi-level, three debate psy-ops campaign against Trump. He’s a huge fan at this point.

I’ve never wanted something tattooed on my back before.

Inspired by the live tweeting thead... might I suggest a bad ombre theme for the white gentleman?

Seriously. Who is that guy?

I can we just have a movie event where he and Peggy make sweet love just once before he dies, because those fuckers are all walking corpses. Also... Where’s Agent Rose’s netflix series?

I did some research after I read that one of Jack the Ripper’s victims had been “hopping” in the country with her common law husband, sleeping in barns, eating apples and having a marvelous holiday. So then I started trying to find more accounts, but there aren’t many readily available.

I am pretty sure Billy Bush peed submissively at some point during the exchange.

All Putin has to say how a fucker with balls would nuke China because China is totally talking shit about Trump’s hair.

Oh, Joe is a master of the art of self preservation. He got on the life boat a long time ago.

But, if I could make those coats in velvet, I would wear the hell out of them!

If Al hates him, then I feel free to not give him the benefit of the doubt.