
The actually forshadowed 90% of the ending. We just thought it was stupid filler, or rantings of a madman.

Yeah, it's just as bad here in Canada. When it ended, the creators mentioned "see you next spring". WTF, that's a whole year away, hell no!

Nope, Canada's ad campaign is even more generic and laid back from what I've seen. There's been no promise or hints other then a cop sent back in time to protect the future from terrorists. Everything else is just you sitting and enjoying the crazy ride the show creators are taking you on.

That's such a great song, they need to do more in that genre.

Tara Strong is going to end up one of the more accomplished voice actors of our time. I've been a fan of her's since Rikku in FFX.

I went to a 'separate' school growing up. It's identical to the public school across the street except you had a religion class. Depending on the teacher and grade, the religion class tended to morph into different things. Younger years it would just be a colouring/story time, formative years it would be a health

You missed 3:

Super suit(s) and time travel are in the future! Well or the past, it's kinda confusing.

I personally thought that this episode and the next one are basically one episode with two parts, because a number of your issues actually get touched on. Give it a week until the Julian story line plays out.

How do you know how Season 2 is going to turn out?

Imagine if right after 9/11, Mayor Rudy Giuliani was shot, and gangs started taking over. And then Blackwater offered to step in and ensure that the police had the resources from preventing this happening again. Do you think the city administration would have said no? That's how a private corp buys into a chunk of

I love that song as well. Hopefully they make more in lines of that.

Excellent summary. Just two notes:

Most of the issues you're bringing up are parts of the waiting game.

Kiera is very much an unreliable narrator.

Who exactly was he trying to 'free' when he was going to blow up the building in S1? Keep in mind, he has zero knowledge that there are time travelers or anything about the future.

At this point in the series, I think my favourite question to ask is: Who, if any, are the "white hats". The people who do good both in intent and through their actions.

This and the next episode are almost two halves of a single episode in my opinion. Then the remaining episodes kick it into high gear again and start wrapping up story lines at a rapid pace.

In a previous episode she called into Escher. In a future episode, this is confirmed.