
Web cams and mics can be disconnected and my PC still works with every game I own, the X1 can't. If you could unplug their gimmick toy and put it in the cupboard with your extra controllers, most of the complaints go away. There isn't a single legitimate reason why the Kinect needs to be connected at all times for

I wish. Even in Canada we get put behind a magic wall of useless for even basic things like Netflix.

Personally, it's more than that in my opinion. It would be one thing to have another DVR-Console on my shelf (sony will be doing this), but this box is just ugly as sin. It's like they had two design teams working on it, and then while doing a side by side comparison to choose which one they liked better...some

Anytime you jump media, you're going to loose something. Comparing the depth of 30 books and 60 comics to a few hours of TV or movies, and you're going to lose a lot in translation. The Lord of the Ring and The Hobbit were both better as books, but that doesn't mean the movies weren't worth watching (even when

After watching what Michael Bay did to Transformers, I'm lost most of my willingness to let people touch my precious mythos!

The problem with superhero movies is that they draw all their power from old comics. If you trade away their stories and add more females, you lose the mythos which sold generations of boys on the stories in the first place. No one is going to see a female super'man' movie, not because it wouldn't be good, but

As did I.

Now playing

You've obviously never taken the seconds out of your life to google zip gun.

Existing canon?

Yeah, I came here looking for at the very least newfies having their own dialect, with more likely their own language. Greatly disappointed to find it's just blocked in with the rest of the maritimes.

yeah, except these idiots will give it to their children. It's one thing to want to risk your own lives, it's another to put your children at risk because you're a tool who demands freedom.

Smart enough to move lanes? Yes, easily. Drive through a narrow path on the wrong side of the road due to a combination of construction and an accident? Probably not yet.

I'm assuming most of the 1% will eventually be in situations when you'd be trained to watch. Blizzards, downpours, insanely windy days, etc. Just like you pay extra close attention now when really needed, you'd just actually pay attention during those times.

"We can't even have universal health care"

You don't need a law to do this. If an employer and worker truly agree that time off instead of overtime is in both of their best interests, they will do so.

And vice versa, doesn't deserve a disadvantage. Depending on your community, a lot of local places don't even sell some products.

Of course, that's a just a marketing trick anyways.

Stores aren't required to distribute pennies if they don't want to. Because of rounding, you could in theory be out two cents. No one cares, not even the crazy people you thought would care.

So you're comparing a few massive corporations who have one or two products, to a small business who can be shipping a wide variety of different products? (yes, 1 mil is a small business, most restaurants make that in a year easily.

Why is Walmart, with $441 billion in gross sales AND who has a physical presence (eg local employees who know of rules) in each state , an army of accountants, IT specialists, and lawyers, able to do this? Really?