
Cherry Coke. Why can't we have cherry coke damn it!

The solution to violence isn't more violence.

Handguns fall into the same category as assault rifles for most people. You only need them to kill "omg self defense" , not hunt game with.

"Now, what would you do if you were in the liquor store owner's shoes?

Yes, you guys have very corrupt insurance industry. My sympathies for that. But when a rash of businesses all suffer from the same problem, they band together to have the various level of government step in.

Yeah, no. It's dumb. Try moving to Canada where we have to deal with the crap from the crazies who want to protect their language on a daily basis.

The funny thing is, she didn't even have a the toy on her. She was suspended for just talking about her toy with a friend in line while waiting for the bus. You know, the same way you would have back in the day with your little buddies about playing with water guns, transformers, or GI Joe after school.

From Sanderson's website

The stone around my grandparents well was put in place over a hundred years ago, and it still useable for water.

As a Canadian, our parents were raised Imperial and my generation was raised metric, so we have a very mixed system. We also have a high degree of influence from your culture due to TV/advertising/etc. As such, we get the best of both worlds and to truly appreciate which is easier to use. So from that stand point,

Yeah, as rathorial said, games with a decent enough fan base will be kept alive forever no matter what happens, you just may have to take a few steps. But if you want to play 20 year old games on a PC, you're going to be taking steps no matter what (eg DOSbox) just to get the game running with all the modern

Sounds about right to me!

Not to mention support staff. Most procedures require some support staff and those staff members now have a legal right to disrupt the process.

Choose a different last name for the children, such as one of your mother's maiden name. Or grandmothers if neither of those work. Make up some b.s. about how his grandmother was such an inspiration to him that you both decided it would be best to honor her by choosing the last name of your children after her. You

If a male with a different last name to "his" children is showing up to place with children(/comes up in conversation/filling out a form/etc), there's only two logical conclusions that people jump to; he's not actually the father, or he is there to kidnap the children because he's a scary pervert. Fun conversations.

That's still one of the best responses to irrational or irreconcilable views that I've heard.

hahahahahahaha. That's priceless.

This is one of the best and clearest signs that I've seen of the wage gap that is not only real, but shockingly still known to be real and nothing is being done.

This is the exact reason why I was stunned when I recently heard a female senior manager in her 50's who very strongly advocated that her company's bonuses should be kept confidential, otherwise it would undermine the bosses ability to discretely reward managers for doing a good job.

His argument is pretty clear. Spreading misinformation has a very real cost and people should stop doing it.