Bank of America isn't available in Canada, EA made me download Origin.
Bank of America isn't available in Canada, EA made me download Origin.
Yeah I agree with smallheads. There's a MASSIVE difference between not hiring, not not recruiting/poaching. I don't see the harm in companies agreeing to stop wasting time and money poaching top talent from eachother in a game that no one wins.
No, it just didn't scale properly making it difficult at the start but you became a god at the end where nothing could touch you.
Valve will probably get a pass from most people from being first to the gate. They pioneered Steam for their own games, and let everyone play with their new toy. What groundbreaking service is origin providing to justify locking down games to their service only?
So basically, you're pointing out that even in the best countries, where they require people to do 12 months of intensive training, they still routinely get into accidents due to human error?
Many cities don't rely on fine revenues as a material source of income. You just pay a bit more in property tax for police services.
Be honest, he had his mistress on board and she thought it would be a good idea to go up to the bridge and drive really closely to the other big ship. Nothing bad could ever come of that!
Pretty blonde>Cruise ship. So pretty blonde with big boobs > Aircraft carrier?
I like getting it from a variety of sources as a Canadian, but typically most still flows through the US because it's closest to my interests. The best part about it is that all of your most controversial topics (Taxes, healthcare, military, immigration, elections,etc) tend to be amusing instead of rage inducing. …
You're trackpad description of how you would play diablo III made me fear for the future of the tech industry. It's people like you who are to thank for crap like the kinect and the wii. Just because you could in theory do something, does not make it the best way to do something, or even a good idea.
When you go to buy your next tv, x number of years from now, this tech will be the new '1080p 60" TV'.
"Unless were talking about very big TVs then much more right now is useless to the majority of us."
Build it, and they will come.
But LG doesn't produce TV shows or Movies...they make TVs. For their business they should be focusing on quality first, my blu ray/computer/video game console/cell phone/tablet/printer/fridge/garage door opener/etc all have access to netflix and twitter, I don't need the next TV I'm going to buy have those instead of…
We don't live in the 1800's anymore. I give it two months tops before someone has a plan to scoop the ash out of the air that can be deployed on a mass worldwide scale.
Do your or someone you know own a blu ray player?
By the time you stopped having bills in your pocket, all the machines will accept coins.
I think the current video game model or near future video game model might actually be an optimal solution for digital delivery. You want a major AAA game/movie/song/book? Every service will have it. You want that XXX which offers features of YYY and ZZZ, well then you're probably best to choose a certain service…
Cali had all of their buildings that couldn't withstand a strong quake wiped out years ago. New York, not so much. And when you price out all of those crumbled brownstones at 3 mil each, it's not going to take much to add up to billions of dollars in damage.
One reason may be that they used a seeded environment on their best map that was polished at the expense of other maps. Under ideal conditions on one map could they go live and would the product be a beta? Sure. But how far along is the rest of the product?