
This is a terrible review Rich. The movie is a beautiful and powerful allegorical tale about post-partum depression, with a message about the power of hope to overcome depression even under the darkest of isolating circumstances. The subject matter isn’t something I’ve ever seen addressed before this well. The deamons

Well, starring Armisen until he gets a pile of accusations for crummy behavior.

I could hear whatever it was in the closet, making its way towards the bed space.

Speaking as a trans woman myself, I’m kind of disgusted by this film, and how much they’re patting themselves on the back. There were hardly any paid trans people involved in the making of the film, and all of the consultants that Redmayne used to understand what being trans is (he even admits he had no clue when he

You know what? I liked Garden State and I kind of loved the soundtrack. You know what else I liked? (500) Days of Summer.

Please let Fitz be assassinated in the first episode.


When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you

Like, I don’t even understand her face, you guys.

Where have I seen crazy eyes like that before...hmmm...

to be fair if I thought people would believe me I would say that I’m dating Rihanna.

Nine million dollars says this becomes an SVU episode and ten million dollars says I throw myself into the Hudson w a concrete brick tied to my foot when it premiers.

Domestic violence fucking sucks and I hate it and that’s pretty much all I have to say


Oh look, another attempt to shrug off male violence as just “some individual with mental health issues”!

I'm not going to pretend I never get stares from judgey people. But I get an equal amount of complimenrs

Thanks! She’s pretty awesome. I don’t think I was ever ‘forbidden’ anything unless it was limited by financial reasons or laws of physics — so long as I could make a good enough argument. She had to have the patience of a saint.

Team Babette and Maury.

Of course she was team Jess! There was no other team to be on! Dean? Oh god no.