
Oh god the plaid on plaid. Truly gods gift to everyone.

I've been cheated on and I've cheated and all I can say is: It's never, ever your fault. Every situation is different, too. I think too often we have the once a cheater always the cheater and cheating means specifically this black and white bullshit. That can apply to some, but it doesn't apply to everyone. Humans and

My best friend has looked like this my entire ever knowing him and he kind of prides himself on not being fashionable. He texted me after this went viral confused as fuck and all I could do was laugh.

bless this gif

I just made way too many cute sounds in the general direction of this owl.

He's very good friends with Mel Gibson and that's all I have on that front.

What the actual fuck.

I literally do not care I love the book, the musical, and want all the things. *shields eyes*

We meet again GinAndTonic, and once I again I want to like your comment over and over and over.

Michelle Tea does a really great account of this kind of stuff in The Chelsea Whistle from what I recall of it. I remember reading it and remembering all the weird ass shit I did as a kid and felt infinitely better. I'm not a 100% fan of Lena Dunham in any way, but we should be free to talk about how fucking weird we

So much happened (its really kind of crazy) that she kind of had to pick her battles like I did. Since moving a few times activity has been pretty dormant as of late, I think she's happy about it. This story ties into a much larger arc of bullshit thats followed me my whole life. Needless to say I don't keep

So my best friends theory was that it wasn't trying to pull me out, rather trying to make sure I didn't break my ass on all that shit on the floor. Which 1.) begs the question of what DID and 2.) made me point at her and yell YOU BELIEVE YOU BELIEEEEVE

The hellscape you speak of it so accurate it physically hurt me how spot on you were.

Mannnnn I missed the boat on this super hard. I love the stories. Figure other folks are sharing theirs so I will too. I have a TON of ghost stories starting back when I was a kid, they're not super scary (good ghosts, and what not, I've been lucky) but one place and all its haunts back when I was in college always

It literally gave me flashbacks to a not similar story, but I have a lot of "ghost things" that used to happen and I remember my desk set-up was like this one in my old house, facing away from the door. I used to be home all the time sitting at my desk just like this but it started to give me heebie-jeebies when I


I'm here for your eternal soul...m'lady.

This will always be my favourite thing.

Not being a male walking alone I wouldn't know. I've noticed that the street harassers here tend to leave you alone regardless of gender if there's more than one of you (at least in my experience this is the case) so you'd have to ask a guy.

Yesterday I wore a huge shawl thing (Think stevie nicks but BIGGER) covering my entire body and I got MORE street harassment than I normally do. A guy even went so far as to crudely leer and thrust at me while I was waiting for Bart after the longest day of it all and I just finally snapped "You made your point." He