God I adore him
God I adore him
You'd be surprised at how many Irish people don't give a fuck about that.
First Avril and whats his butt and now this? Whatever are the rest of us to think?
that face
Just when I think I can't like GWAR anymore. Fucking yaaas
Also we can assume that I responded twice because I have a big lesbian crush on you OR this website hates me. Your call.
They are so addicting. I mainly keep my OKC active just to submit.
I troll them very actively. Beware - they're addicting.
"The worst was when he'd text, 'We haven't had strawberries-and-cream sex in a while.'"
RIGHT????? auuugghhhh
Hot new trend? Try "story of my life".
This is actually how I reacted but then figured out how you can delete it. I am now free of Bono's self-agrandizing (is this a word? Idgaf) tyranny.
Yeah! I was trying to figure out if the make-up had something to do with the statement, but then I'm all "fashion" and I turn to the left.