
seriously can't decide if I hate or love it.

This gif, which had never before entered my life until this moment, is going to be getting a FUCKLOAD of traction in my future.

Garbage monsters, the lot of them.

I remember watching this and weeping openly, because even at 12 I loved and looked up to Jon Stewart, and seeing such a vibrant person so crushed absolutely killed me. His response was so flawless and so full of the opposite of vengeance or hate, and at a time all I ever heard was nasty slurs about those who committed

I actively screamed about this yesterday. I.AM.SO.EXCITE.


I feel you on that. This Cliche Must Die will be subsequent concert tour title.

900% certain that he's actually grabbing his before never spoken about peg leg.

John Mayer Must Die should be the name of their duet concert special they do together to make amends.

I know my first reaction was like "oh look at you doing a thingwaitaminute"

Because of fucking course it started with John Mayer.


I love him on obscene levels.

Your life sounds like everything I've ever dreamed of.

appropriate usage of feels.


The level to which I want to smash my face against his exceeds recommended levels every time I watch his show.

Augh can we just talk about how perfect Mister Offerman and the Lady Mullaly are? I covet their love on blasphemous levels.

Where was I when Lizzy and Matthew Perry broke up???