Chaireth Cutestory

One Bad Dog I Met


I know that things on the internet can get pretty heated and a lot of people say things they don’t really mean because they are protected by the cloak of anonymity, so I want you to understand how sincere I am when I say I hope you die in a fire.

Back and to the left.  Back and to the left

Just to hazard a guess but fans don’t travel as much in the US so you’d rarely have a stadium broken down even as evenly as 70/30... It’s hard to get a true pandemonium scene with just a few scatterings of fans.

So who’s going to be the scapegoat for Cardinals fans? My money is on Dexter Fowler, former Cub and admitted person of color.

The last time a Ray Tip was this devastating, the world lost Steve Irwin.

He’s a slow declining power-forward that used to play with much better linemates, also the game got faster as he got slower.

Well this is just a preposterous take that I will absolutely oblige.

Hi Kelsie - I’m a Tigers fan, and I feel like they have repeatedly kicked me in the balls this past season. Does that qualify?

What’s the deal with statutes of limitation?

Article: “guys who hit .240"

This is playing the game the right way. It’s entertaining.

The Jets Seem Like They’re About Done With Trumaine Johnson The Season

i thought if you played for the nets you only choked in may and june.  

Huh. He doesn’t look Japanese.

This is truly, truly terrible.

I believe his driver’s license says Greg “Machine Gun Futon” Hardy 
