
The irony is disgusting.

I mean I get what you’re saying, but the large majority of reviews are saying it’s far from “very bog standard” lol.

It’s an amazingly deep and fun game. My 9 year old and 15 year old daughters are having a blast exploring. Even my 43 year old wife, who doesn’t play games at all, loves going around and collecting things, opening up the map, etc. The long and short is, it’s probably one of the best, biggest, most fun, and most

Its always fun when a guy who's talking about immaturity starts his comment off by calling people "bitches".

“Dummies Guide To: How Much Can We Milk the Harry Potter Controversy For Clicks”.

You sure do spend a lot of time typing out comments that skirt the line of defending bigots.  Stop dancing around it, just be honest for a change.

Completely agree with Lady Mormont. Haters can fuck right off. There’s always fox news and CBS procedurals to keep the bigots entertained (not that there’s anything inherently wrong with the CBS shows, they’re just boring white-bread shit). 

*grins in “Boy the discourse for season 2 is gonna be so fuuuun*

Sorry, but being a bully, and spouting hate is not how you go about making people change their minds. The attacks online are pushing people away from your cause. It’s having the opposite effect you want.

I swear some people have no moral compass at all. Are we really resorting to bullying someone for playing a game? I get that the author is a transphobe and is a awful person for it but how is harassing  other people over a game make you any better of a person? Here is a news flash for people, Rowling is going to be

I understand not wanting to support anti-Trans billionaire JK Rowling 1,000%. I’m not defending any part of that revolting cunt’s war on the Trans community.

Activision Blizzard has proven to be an extremely toxic company that has taken advantage of their employees in disgusting ways”

Good. We don’t need more monopolies. In the long run it usually doesn’t end well for everyone except the shareholders.

Jesus Christmas. That fucking thumbnail for the interview at the end of the article is like a demon staring directly into your soul. Could we get a NSFL warning on that thing?

I’m pretty sure their argument is exactly the reason why people don’t want Microsoft taking over more of the videogame market. Because everything original they’ve attempted sucks.  And everything that was good they’ve purchased they’ve driven into the ground with bullshit and microtransactions.  

Yeah this is gonna be the first full price game I’ve bought since Elden Ring. I LOVE Dead Space and think 1 is a stronger game than 2 anyway. It’s just too bad they only made 2 games. 

Do you not think it’s a little callous to describe the debate around trans rights as “a progressive online circle jerk”?

how about supporting all the writers and developers who poured their heart and soul into what looks like an awesome adventure in a wonderful universe that’s bigger than the original author and her real life politics?

the game’s very existence is controversial

Hogwarts Legacy takes place roughly a hundred years before the books, which might explain the seemingly blase attitude of the in-universe characters to child torture