So your main takeaway from her post is that she writes funny, not that there was some (at the least) creepy shit going on that they had to make a rule like that in the first place? She was like 14 years old.
So your main takeaway from her post is that she writes funny, not that there was some (at the least) creepy shit going on that they had to make a rule like that in the first place? She was like 14 years old.
This is a pretty horrid situation.
How embarrassing.
Lol, how much fuck up from this company will people learn before they say, fuck it, not a penny because they created the ability to put mods in by them but didn’t check if their files are secure before, everytime I hear about 2077, it’s more fuck ups.
Yeah, as soon as someone requests to do a polygraph, I am always suspicious. If you have serious claims, you don’t need a lie detector test. This isn’t to find out if you stole money from a company or some other crime. And like you said what will the test prove? If they have nothing to ask specifically about what…
No, no, no, you see stuff happened.
The polygraph claim has effectively made up my mind about this, and it’s not in Fisher’s favour. There’s nothing to ask him about while hooked up to a polygraph because there are no concrete details about what his claims are. No one doubts that he hates Whedon and Johns and Hamada and won’t work with them. But there’s…
He still never gave specifics about what happened. I read he said Whedon cut his part, and that he was unprofessional to him. Just fucking say what happened dude, we don’t need a polygraph test, just evidence, stories, witnesses, or something.
There have so many articles about this, but I still somehow have no idea what’s going on.
Ray Fisher makes a lot of serious claims without ever providing any serious evidence.
A friend of Nandin has started a fundraising page so that “his mom never, ever has to worry about any out of pocket expenses.”
The problem with every first-person viewpoint, be it games or movies, is the loss of peripheral vision, which means it’s never quite right.
That’s great, third-person mode is what I wanted since the first day.
Throw this on the pile of all the other things that the devs couldn’t be arsed to do.
Definitely interesting, yes. Two of the most hyped games ever both released this year and where one was close to perfect (remember back in March when the biggest complaint was ‘the sidequests are a bit boring’?), the other turned out to be a real shitstorm.
I mostly agree, and of course this isn’t a review of anything. However, I do think an argument could be made that previous behaviour that affects customers is pertinent information?
I just can’t understand being so lost in the sauce of fandom that you can’t tolerate criticism. For example, I LOVE the New York Mets (for some fucking reason) to the point where I have a fucking tattoo of them. However, if you told me that they sucked for reasons A, B, and C, and I vehemently disagreed that would be…
This is all very scummy and worth writing about. I question whether a review of Cyberpunk 2077 is the right place to do it. People are looking for a review of the GAME, not the PUBLISHER.
Of course, the far bigger issue is that a loud proportion of Cyberpunk 2077 purchasers (and indeed any other big-name game) don’t want reviews at all. They want reassurance. They paid for this game nearly two years ago, for whatever illogical reason (“I’m supporting the massive multi-million dollar company!”),…