This also made me immediately think of Hellgate London.
Bullshit. Millions of people deal with more stressful jobs every day that matter a hell of a lot more than her and pay a hell of a lot less. No one says she needs to do it with a smile on her face but she sure as shit needs to treat people with respect.
“Doing a show like this and having to interact with hundreds of guests a year must be exhausting.” Then GET A DIFFERENT JOB.
Fuck Ellen DeGeneres and her privileged life. While the rest of us are fighting for our literal survival in this hellscape of a country run by the criminal GOP and an election that we are terrified about she is busy laughing in our faces.
I’m sure the fact that she is irrelevant now just galls her. In my mind, the first thing I think of is “famous for being famous.” She’s gross and I hope her ass gets dragged for this shit, it’s long overdue.
I find interesting that the words Harry Potter were nowhere to be seen, and also, one of the phrases in the trailer specifically mentioned this being an unwritten story. Smart. I feel bad for the team, cause it’s obvious they’re trying to distance themselves from Rowling, but it’s always gonna be a problem for a lot…
She’s never gonna stop saying stupid shit, why should I be denied excitement over this clearly awesome game?
I think you’re missing the point Riley.
I like the analysis of games as service and the spooky implications of the technology at play but... this ain't a review of the game, really.
This is the kind of rant someone goes on when they're really high.
What a strange, strange review.
Ouch. And if Will removes the Grasberg Mine thread which spun off into all of these other topics, that would leave only 15% of the review which was devoted to reviewing the game itself.
I read half of this review and I still don’t know if the software is any good.
Dear Will, if you took a second to try and review the *game* Microsoft Flight Simulator instead of the concept of cloud and games as a service, maybe you would have done the tutorial, which would have taught you to fly VFR (which incidentally is the only form of navigation actually included in the tutorial).
You’re overthinking it. I’m one of those people and I’m 39. Some people play games for the challenge and to figure things out on their own, some people play games to blow off steam and relax. Most people are some sort of combination of the two, leaning one way or the other, or even varying based on genre or other…
When did people who chose to abuse drugs become off-limits for comedy?
5 People total got sick at my workplace back at the start of April. 4 of them were back after the 2 weeks when a cleaning crew came in and sanitized the entire plant. They got over it like a common cold... the other.. not so lucky, after being admitted to hospital, he suffered a stroke, had to be put into a medically…
Does it really matter? I don’t understand all the people trying to make comparisons to anything else. The point here is that this thing is brutal (confirmed), spreads more easily than the flu (confirmed), and SO DAMNED EASY TO PREVENT (confirmed, over and over again.) Comparisons are just a distraction and excuse for…