
Finally a disgusting accusation about Marilyn Manson’s band that we can believe in.

Get Gud.

Don’t die first. Problem solved.

I’ve got a generally positive opinion of Trent Reznor’s music and I’m absolutely fucking fanatical about John Carpenter’s early work (both films and scores) so this fills me with ... joy? Nah, my soul died years ago. But it kind of feels like joy. Hold on, I have to process this ...

Gay dudes are still dudes, dude. And dudes are often pretty horrible.

So by ‘this planet’ you mean ‘Twitter’.


Where does it say that?

“Why do we only care about separating families as a result of a crime being committed is illegal immigration?”

I say this about every ICE agent: if you don’t condone these actions, quit. By continuing to wear that badge, you are complicit with every action your brethren take; just following orders is what they said at Nuremberg, too. At some point, you will be hunted just as they were.

That’s not normal human behavior. That’s sociopath behavior. I guarantee these ICE agents are enjoying every damn moment of their jobs because they enjoy ruining lives legally.

As a nation, we have truly lost our way.

This game is sick and totally inappropriate.

*wipes a tear, looks up at the moon*

There was a Chuck who was killing everyone. It was down to me, him and Jason. As I am running from the Chuck I run right into Jason. The guy playing Jason asks “are you ready to die”?

And they’re the worst kind of gamers for developers to have to put up with, because those are the ones who are essentially actively sabotaging their own hobby, which is especially problematic for smaller outfits who don’t have massive financial backing.

What they should do is make it so that the moment a TK happens, Jason gets a warp prompt (similar to if the sweater in the cabin is found), and immediately warps in behind the person TK’ing for a cinematic kill. That way, TKers don’t get to play for that much longer after they TK.

What exactly are you talking about? What exactly is your problem with it? It’s a perfectly fine game. The guys have fixed a ton of bugs in it since it first started, and they are continuing to do more as I write this. Soon, we are going to get FREE content for the game, including new maps, and who knows what else?

I hate when people judge a game based on Development promises. Who cares? Base your judgement off the product you get. What we have is an entertaining multiplayer game, yeah something’s are broken but they can fix those over time. What did you expect from a Friday the 13th game? Like were you expecting Nintendo levels

Love this game, hate most of this subreddit.