
I agree with the "had it coming" remark. She did deserve it, she made a reckless stupid manoeuvre and was lucky she only dented a truck and didn't kill a family in a smaller car or something.

It's funny how this situation mirrors the extremism perpetrated against women every day in the middle east. We view ourselves as so much more civilized and accomplished, but then people do things like this... hatred and bigotry, it seems, can't be contained by national borders.

Really? Did no one care then? Because it seems we wrote about that exact event more than once, along with others.

No its not only her. But Kotaku has an agenda to push. The game director from Black Ops 2 at its height got 1,000's of death threats a day. No one cared then.

"Why is it only games? Why is it only her?"

Don't blame the victim.

I honestly don't believe this. Like seriously, I don't believe it. I don't know if I've just been blind, but when has this happened for any other activists for any other kind of media? Why is it only games? Why is it only her?

I teach 9th grade World History, and we play Diplomacy as a class. I always set up one game with the 7 cattiest, snarkiest girls and let them fight to see who the best Cersei Lannister is.

Seriously. Poop BEFORE you begin.

Actually, this was a feature-length film (BASED ON the youtube series). While it's cheesy as hell, I gotta give Rolfe props for living his dream.

So does this make you the Angry Angry Video Game Nerd Nerd?

DCOTE is still a damn terrifying game... Really underrated and not mentioned often enough.

Sounds interesting. Nice to see a game that builds horror through something other than jump scares. A 21 hour length is pretty impressive.

That's what she said! (Sorry, I had to)

now add oculus rift support, and be prepared to die of a heart attack.

There is an obvious answer that no one is addressing.

This Lego Kevin Smith is already funnier than the real Kevin Smith.