
After about a month of this behavior she finally tells me she feels unwanted and she thinks I am depressed. I see the problem now, although I don't feel depressed exactly. I'm lonely and I'm struggling to my head above water at school, but I'm not intensely sad. She says she doesn't want the burden of being with

Hahahaha, don't drink your pills, though. You're funny when angry, hahahahaha.

Read more, mister. From many sources.

My god, I need a Contra "mod" based on this concept!

Considering the way Vietnam is living today, nah, nobody won.

Nice, awesome, now MAKE THIS GAME.

What do you need? What's the plot of, let's say, Burning Crusade? Ok, Illidan and the blood elves and the fight against them. Cool. Let's split that story into 8 or 10 maps that are different between each other, like W3 and its X-pac worked.

You know what I'd really like? For someone to take the events of WoW and Burning Crusade and Lich King and so on, and turn them into Warcraft RTS campaigns.

Well, I finished RE 2's Fourth Survivor, which I thought was an achievement.

Might sound crazy, but fighting with the knife is a skill that we tend to forget. It happens to me too, I have to "warm up" a little before I can use it right.

One might call it an option of last resort, but when a zombie takes a few shots, it falls to the ground. That's a perfect opportunity to get a few stabs in by aiming downwards. More often than not, the stab wounds will prevent the zombie from getting up, saving you a few bullets.

Firing bullets is the easy way out, but it can get you into trouble later. Ammunition is scarce, especially in the early hours, so you'll want to conserve as much as you can. Most rooms have space to navigate, giving you the freedom to run around a shambling zombie. Run away! Plus…

Their storylines are a little bit different. While the plot moves in the same general direction, it's substantial enough to warrant a second playthrough. There are gameplay differences, too. Jill has more inventory slots than Chris and carries a lockpick, which gains her early entry to rooms with substantial amounts

Nah, it's nothing to be upset about, we like what we like; I love my games from the 90s and a few from the 80s, but most games from the 80s and the 70s are a null concept for me, I don't like them, I can play them for 5 minutes and I'm bored.

Sadly, I agree. My experience's pretty much the same, and believe me: I even read the RE novels. You stood RE6's Chris campaign? Whoah, you took it farther than I did. Leon was very fun, but the whole Chris' part was too action oriented.

Aha. I assume OP's coming from a more modern view on games. Back in the day, it was very intuitive. I don't know, I never had this problem.

It's super interesting for me to read your opinion, because as I grew up with these games, they're totally natural for me. Everything, the controls, the dogs, the saves.

Resident Evil 4 was revelatory, a terrific sequel and soft reboot for a waning franchise. But Resident Evil 4 also started the series down an action-oriented path that had me parting ways during Resident Evil 5, a game I couldn't find the energy to finish after a frustrating swamp area. And after spending 20-plus

It's not like updated controls removes all of the game's quirks, either. Since Resident Evil relies on fixed camera angles against pre-rendered backdrops, there are still plenty of instances where enemies are running around off-screen and you're unable to properly line up a shot. I finally turned the game off last

To Tank Or Not To Tank