Hi, salvage nerd / treehugger here to bore you! Just wanted to correct a common misconception, which is that old windows should always be replaced.
Hi, salvage nerd / treehugger here to bore you! Just wanted to correct a common misconception, which is that old windows should always be replaced.
My husband and I think the same thing. We both grew up in old Victorian houses with the original windows and we know that as soon as someone moves in the first thing they’re doing is putting in windows with seals.
A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) brings more nuance to our…
Legitimately a better photo than I took in all 4 years at my highschool.
Why did this guy have nude selfies in his work email in the first place?
This commercial for Indian telecommunications service MTS is one of the strangest, most terrifyingly delightful…
This is what sold me:
You stay with your pet when he or she is being euthanized. I don't care that it is "too hard" for you. You suck it up, hold your pet, give kisses, and stay until the very end. Then you go to the beach and scream for as long as it takes. You do not leave your pet behind to be euthanized alone. Period. (Also, this vet…
Heh, totally true! As I watched Brad Pitt I just thought, "Well they have 6 kids, he's probably the best at feeding a crowd."
I don't get it. Why is this gross? I mean, I get why slicing your jaw up to change the f'ing shape of your face is disturbing. But a bunch of clean bone in a glass tube? It looked kind of cool...
I don't know why but my favorite part is "And now it's a whole thing with Jean..."
You'd be confused too if you had to figure out the best method to stopping a volcanic eruption.
Really? 'Cause I read your comment and immediately thought that was optimism.
I can see it now. He throws a Yosemite Sam-like tantrum and she sits there looking vapidly at her iPhone, then says something like "You are like sooo dramatic, I just can't stand how boring and predictable you are. I'm like, soooo done." And walks away, posting yet another selfie of herself for her "dolls."
I'm pretty sure that's code for "Charlie really had no idea how rabid, pathetic and balls to the wall crazy 50 Shades fans actually are, that is, until an unidentified midwestern housewife accosted him in a Los Angeles drugstore, handcuffed herself to his ankle and begged him to spank her with a horse whip. Charlie…
And better?