Sure he would. He'd just ring up the Bristol Express.
Sure he would. He'd just ring up the Bristol Express.
It's commonly referred to as throwing shit at the wall and watching what sticks. It's the poker equivalent of bluffing with a busted flush.
Somewhere there is a sick fuck involved in dog fighting contemplating this one's chances in a fight.
My thoughts exactly. Take the Audi & Mercedes off the list cause half the time they're at the dealer.
The inability of the large majority of the Penn State fan base* to recognize the misdeeds of Joe Paterno in the Penn State Scandal, the continued denial that he was a moral failure, the insistence that the statute be returned, etc, etc... is a cancer that is going to suck the life out of the Penn State Football…
I read your defense of JVP and the only thing I could say is you stupid, blind, fucking idiot. You and other PSU sycophants wonder why PSU not getting the top recruits? The answer is you and the culture to this failed man Paterno who couldn't walk in Brooklyn because he forgot the code: No women, no children, & no…
I've taken your ideach and expanded on it: It seems someone in a Penn State math lab was crunching the numbers and put together a compelling case convincing the NCAA that it was the right thing to do: The average height and weight of the victims was 4' 09" and 111 lbs! 😆
The fans zealots of Penn State are all asking why they're not getting to recruits. Football caused this problem and while it might take 10 years football will correct this problem. They'll finally realize that their misplaced loyalty in Joe Paterno that is now causing them to lose top recruits will also be the reason…
Ok Jay, go to bed now.
Actually I think Paterno did commit the crime of aiding and abetting.
Let me nutshell this for you: Fuck Joe Paterno and fuck Penn State. He knew. While not provable I'd bet he knew long before 1998 when the first incident happened and Paterno forced Sandusky into retirement at 55 years of age. Outside of the sycophants that spent 4 years living for weekends between September and…
Let me nutshell this for you: Fuck Joe Paterno and fuck Penn State. He knew. While not provable I'd bet he knew long before 1998 when the first incident happened and Paterno forced Sandusky into retirement at 55 years of age. Outside of the sycophants that spent 4 years living for weekends between September and…
Guys with a foot fetish.
I'm thinking the target audience for this implement is guys with a foot fetish.
As long as they know when and where to draw the line they'll be fine:…
Well let's hope they avoid these shenanigans:…