The problem is that the RNC did the same thing to John Kerry, Tammy Duckworth, and Max Cleland — all vets who were wounded serving their country. But oh lordy, don’t insult John McCain! He’s one of us!
The problem is that the RNC did the same thing to John Kerry, Tammy Duckworth, and Max Cleland — all vets who were wounded serving their country. But oh lordy, don’t insult John McCain! He’s one of us!
The reason that people in developing countries jump at the chance at vaccinating their kids is because they either know someone who has or have buried their own children due to illnesses. They know that child death can happen to them. They know that should their children end up with a disease-related disability, any…
Yeah, my father was 18 at the end of the draft when there were no more new student deferments. He’s always maintained that if he’d been born a day earlier, my siblings and I might not be around since that birthday got one of the first numbers, and his got one of the last.
My dad was talking about deferments with us and the people he knew that got them. One of them was his friend from the neighborhood who had polio. This poor guy had one leg that was withered and shorter then the other. They took one look at him and said he could stay. He said men who clearly had physical disabilities…
And let’s not forget how the Bush campaign was spreading all sorts of scurrilous rumors about John McCain and his child in 2000.…
I’m no fan of John McCain, but Trump received three deferments (see rich man excuse) until he finally was declared 4F for what he himself described as “bone spurs” last weekend. What he said about McCain again proves he is a piece of shit of the highest order and I hope he stays in until the bitter end and wrecks the…
Donald Trump is like the Vince Russo of life (shoutout to anyone who gets that reference.) He just..... says shit, and then says other shit on top of it that makes less sense than the first thing.
Also be careful calling someone dumb in some forums you would be banned totally. Groupthink is one of them.
I was baptised at 6 months, but grew up without religious influences besides Christmas and Easter celebrations (no church). One of my favourite books when I started reading was Sindbad’s adventures. When I first heard about Jesus in religious studies in elementary school my mind compared him to Sindbad and I thought…
The right to believe in make believe stories and characters that dictate our everyday lives.
The burger suggestion is wrong. it will not stop a sloppy burger from oozing.
The “scantily clad women” were wearing what I see women wear every day: summer clothes. Cut off jean shorts and shirts, one woman was wearing pants and a top. Me thinks NYDN wants to manufacture a scandal here. When the real scandal is that horrifying painting. My god.
Exactly. And that’s not only true for the staff; heaven forbid you stray from the commentariat with a differing opinion. Don’t toe the line, and you take the chance of getting skewered from both sides.
It’s interesting. If you take a step back and take a look at this place, it is quite similar to a religion. You establish a place that people come to in order to hear their world-views confirmed, support each-other in sharpening their moral perspective, and admonish those who step a bit out of life from the…
that should teach her a lesson, eh? banning a long term poster for daring to be politely critical of a truly offensive article is almost as low as the article itself. I guess she should have gone with “fuck you, gawker.” like hundreds of other people did.
Really? What a dick move :(
No, you don’t.
christ on a stick, they’re so fucking childish. i’m taking a weekend off, need to feel happy again.
Careful there. You’re bound to get banned with that kinda attitude.