
Best part is that it was on TV.

This^. The additional load of electric equipment powered off the engine’s (police upgraded) alternator, at idle, does not tax the (police upgraded) cooling system.

Albert, it is adorable that you think a bunch of racist asshole white supremacists who still support this fuckwit will give a flying fuck whether the Orange Asspimple lies or not.

Because why should she? Is anyone making the same demands of Donald Trump? If not, then it’s bullshit to single her out for neurological exams.

Why should she have to? She’s already done more than her opponent, so no, fuck that.

I’m amazed that a woman was comfortable asking that question of another woman.

I spoke with my uncle the other day, who actually has an MD/PHD and asked what he thought. He’s no fan of Hillary but said, “She probably got dehydrated. The walking pneumonia is possible for someone her age who travels a lot, stays in hotel rooms with dubious levels of cleanliness, and meets thousands of strangers a

That’s what makes so much of it amazing. I have a criminal justice degree, which is usually focused on policing but some of us take a track that puts us in position for law school. I never followed through, started studying a LSAT review book, decided immediately I was not going to be a lawyer.

She deserves a medal for patting the child reporter on the head and saying “Bless your Heart”

Someone told me the other day they knew she had Parkinson’s based on a YouTube video. I said “well I’m not a doctor and I haven’t watched a YouTube video but I’ve taken care of 3 Parkinson’s patients, one from early stages to death, and that’s really not what it looks like but ok!.”

Because when a Tang coated dipshit kept howling for Obama’s birth certificate, he didn’t believe it was authentic once they were finally released. And those that did accept that he was born in the US, they then demanded to see his transcripts because, for some reason, they can’t believe he got to to where he is

Because fuck that noise.

CBS’s CEO, about this election;

Because at some point, you have to take a stand against the double standard for your own dignity and for the dignity of women who will come after you.

Because after Clinton got the neural exam and the results showed nothing extraordinary, the follow-up would be what are the doctors hiding and investigations into their pasts. For decades there have been Clinton “scandals”, every investigation turns up no wrong actions by Hillary but instead of accepting her

ABC, you pack of stupid twats. Don’t insult this woman by asking for neurological/memory tests.... UNLESS you’re also going to demand an entire of psychiatric examinations for Trump. Because I’ll eat somebody’s shorts if he doesn’t have a pack of personality disorders sloshing around in that barrel of brawling

Plus, she was actually asked specific questions about Florida in that interview and she answered them thoughtfully. Trump would never be asked specific questions. It infuriates me that he is graded on a curve.

I’m surprised she even dignified that with a response. I would have asked the reporter to about her own cognitive functioning to ask such a fucking ridiculous question.

This is so fucking unreal. Hillary has to prove beyond a doubt that she isn’t “broken,” while Obama faces two terms of people questioning his birthplace.

And fucking Trump won’t even release his tax forms, and he lies constantly.

Did no one else watch the 7 hours she was in front of the Senate committee on Benghazi? Regardless of if you think she was telling the truth/is an evil murderer/just don't like her- it is pretty clear that she is fully functioning, cognitively speaking. Compare that to say, Ronald Reagan, who was in the early stages