
1st American killed by British soldiers was a freed black man at the Boston massacre, so whenever a white person says black people should leave ‘their’ country, just be sure to point out that black people have fought and died in every war the US has participated in, often at much higher rates than their white

Until cops start facing real consequences for their actions/crimes instead of promotions or paid vacation and start paying out of their pockets instead of sending the bill to the taxpayers, nothing will change.

The very first nation to recognize the USA’s independence, in 1777, was Morocco — a Muslim country.

So Lewandowski is the only person Trump will actually pay. He tries to get out of paying so many people and groups. This asshole is the one he pays.

I did that in Idaho one. Bombing along about 100mph on I-84 through the desert (it was 113 miles from my folks house to where I was working that summer, my goal was to make the drive in 1:13). Saw a trooper coming the other way, and he got the radar on me good. I knew that it was at least a mile before he could turn

It’s actually not his base we have to be worried about convincing. It’s the millennials who hate Clinton so much they are casting purist votes for Johnson or Stein. If Clinton loses this election, it will be because she didn’t have the youth vote locked up like Obama did. And why might that be, I wonder, given that

They’re definitely the same people who are mad that Cicile Richards takes money for being CEO of Planned Parenthood.

To be honest, this election has both created a deep hatred for the media at large, but a very deep appreciation for the (seemingly) few great journalists out there.

The email scandal where the FBI Director was very public in his criticism and then walked back nearly all of his criticisms with a letter to Congress by a spokesperson. Only one email received by Clinton had a classified header and its classification was wrong.

Agreed. In fact there has been ZERO proven instances of fraud/pay for play. Not to say there isnt a chance it happened, but to try to equate the two as “not quite” as blatant is absurd.

When Mika’s father Zbigniew Brzezinski (National Security Advisor to Prez Carter) called Joe “stunningly superficial” I knew immediately Joe and Mika were a couple.

I’m with you 100%. I had serious health issues when I was a high schooler, which caused me to miss a lot of school. My sophomore biology teacher apparently found this hilarious and made me an object of ridicule when I was in class and when I was absent. I found out from a dear friend that she was saying particularly

Sorry, this teacher isn’t cool and this topic isn’t funny. I’ve taught college for 15 years, and I wouldn’t say this to 18 year olds, much less 10th graders. You’re in an immense position of power as a teacher. It’s really important not to mock your students. I had one teacher in HS who consistently made fun of

That shared loathing is fairly recent. Earlier this year Trump was a staple on Morning Joe. At one point he was calling in daily with both Joe and Mika imploring watchers “not to rule Trump out” of the race.

Abusing underage boys makes one a pedophile, not homosexual. They’re distinct sexualities. Look it up.

Good, my hatred of Penn is now re-validated.

Just going to leave this here:

It’s perfectly ok that he willingly ignored child rape for decades? I don’t give a shit who he is or was.

The one small bit of justice in all this is that Sandusky was discovered while Paterno was still alive and coaching. He got to personally experience the shame and degradation that he had spent over three decades earning.

Maybe this is why I belong in the greys, but I’m just speechless at this; everyone knows Paterno enabled a child molester for DECADES, and it just doesn’t matter, because footbaw.