
All I’m saying is LET IT GO, HE LOST.

My son pissed in the corner of his room today. He was happy that he didn’t do it in his “big boy” pants. He gets to claim victory but I’m still cleaning up piss.

Imagine working on a PR team whose days consists of trying to legitimize their candidate by softening his stance that the President of the United States isn’t from the United States. Those fuckers earn their checks.

He’s between a rock and a hard place because he needs to pivot (I hate this word) on this issue to ever have a hope of getting more than like 3% of the AA vote, but then again he’ll lose a lot of his current supporters for doing this (for my uncle this would be a deal-breaker for him) so he’s fucked either way. Plus

His PR team is desperately trying to shove him in a direction he clearly doesn’t want to go. He knows his base eats up that birther nonsense; if he publicly walks it back now, after these several years, I’ll be shocked.

Buys new body panels but doesn’t care enough to have them properly painted. Love the exterior shots at a distance, no zoomed in photos, etc.

Everyone’s all like, “but she’s really quite smart & together & liberal, she believes in the childcare this and the women’s salary that, she doesn’t really believe Donald’s campaign shit, she’s just supporting him....” And all I have to say is that that makes her WORSE than merely stupid/ignorant. If she knows he’s

It is the fault of the tired, corrupt, old 2 party system that effectively anoints a candidate through the ruse of fair primaries/caucuses.

Meanwhile the Bernie supporters that couldn’t move on are now spreading Breitbart style rumors about Hillary having a body double.

Yeah, they occasionally let Baron out of his cell to do photo shoots.

If these lazy fuckers (don’t get me wrong, they are angry as hell and very loud) didn’t revolt after Obama got elected, they never will.

I don’t. Ivanka in particular is a grown assed woman who knows exactly what she’s doing: riding the gravy train. The woman has never worked for anyone but her father and she knows which side her bread is buttered on.

Why Ivanka? She's a fucking collaborator. There is no reason to feel bad for that privileged white woman who knows exactly what she's doing.

The FLDS frequently “marries” off underage girls to community patriarchs. The one practice goes hand-in-hand with the other in this context.

My very southern, very Republican father-in-law was visiting this weekend and had a lengthy conspiracy-focused conversation with his girlfriend about Hillary’s health...on speakerphone, at max volume. I tried everything to avoid listening to their bullshit but couldn’t seem to find a place where I couldn’t hear it.

I also trust Tim Kaine more than I trust Trump or Pence.

She could be in a coma and I would still vote for her.

I posted today that I’d trust her ghost through a celeb reality medium over Trump. My southern family did not find it funny.

That was my thought. Like, man, Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil were allowed to wonder way too far away from their roots.

The IRS or ADIRU system (Inertial Reference System) require a position to be set prior to departure. I’m not sure why the IRS would have allowed a mistake so large compared to the GPS location or why the crew would not have been able to reset enroute, though its possible AirAsia doesn’t have certain equipment onboard