
As a 1) woman, who is 2) Jewish, married to a 3) non-citizen 4) brown man, with a 5, 6, infinity) brown daughter, I am amazed at what a close second my despair re: Freedom of the Press is to all my concerns about the rise of Neo-Nazis. But, holy shitballs, guys. This is capital-B Bad.

Agreed 100%! Which is why tonight, I’ve gone into full ‘let’s go analog, please help me’ mode! Our free press is obviously compromised and behaving in ways that violate our expectations. Let’s mobilize now instead of later when the lights are off and our news sources are spewing only POTUS approved propaganda like

They haven’t. How many times did they air minutes, sometimes an hour of a camera pointed at an empty podium, waiting for Trump to show up? Once HRC was giving a policy speech at the same time and they didn’t even bother to switch over to it, because god forbid Donald Trump show up and they not catch one second of it.

You know what? They totally deserved it, because they’re accomplices and enablers of all this bullying and intimidation...

May he rote in hell. Can we keep Obama? Or make HRC kick him out???

He is starting to intimidate them by denying the press pool access to him. This meeting is to further intimidate the media to bend to his will. He doesnt want the media to criticize his actions. This is a fucking call to arms for any and everyone who respects free press. This is a direct threat.

You might not remember the 2004 election, in which Bush and the Republicans won by razor-thin margins, and then immediately declared a “mandate” and proceeded to ram through every awful bill they could, entirely on party-line votes (and then sometimes only by pulling procedural shenanigans to force their fence-sitters

It isn’t that people think they have it coming, it is that they are pissed these Fox News women don’t give a shit about this stuff until it is their own problem.

I have never talked about this ordeal outside of my close family/friends. The fallout was almost more than I could stand at the time, but weirdly, I feel like keeping it to myself is actually worse. 4 yrs ago, when I was a very junior officer in the military, my commander would CONSTANTLY harass me and would

I totally agree with you, but will repeat what a Jezzie said months ago about Andrea Tantaros. It really pisses me off that these women smirked and questioned other women who came forward regarding sexual assault, sexual harassment or domestic violence. However, thanks to feminists who have worked tirelessly for

Kind of rich coming from a woman who spent many years working for a network whose bread and butter is demeaning and doubting women and minorities re: accusations. No one deserves that treatment, but she didn’t just not reveal her own treatment, she actively made it harder for other women.

Only until February.

Why can’t manufacturers make manuals and autos interchangeable with very little modification to the chassis? It can be done, they just don’t want to. More configurable options mean a broader base of customers. I passed on an Accord for the very same reason. I want a V6, fully loaded, with a manual, in a sedan form

Thanks! But clearly a lot less than the lawsuits/settlements for not doing something.

And you just branded yourself a trouble-maker.

HR departments exist to protect the company from the employees, not the other way around.

Yup. If you take an issue to an HR rep, male or female, you just made another enemy.

They are in the business of loss prevention for the company.

“Cynthia Shapiro, will explain that HR departments may not always be on the employees’ side when it comes to a complaint of sexual harassment.”

You can tell they’re not real because the grammar is perfect.