Players who do this are
robbing themselves of practice time that might make all the difference when they find themselves on the verge of losing against a future opponent.cheating not only the game but themselves. They don’t grow. They don’t improve. They take a shortcut and gain nothing. Nothing was risked and…
There is nothing in the goddamned world like the absolute fragility of folks who occupy majority (race/ethnicity/sex/sexual orientation/religious affiliation) status feeling like they might have to share the pie they’ve previously had 99% of.
Think about this for just a moment: Every time someone screams about “SJWs,”…
To all the posters that think is is cruel or mean spirited it’s not. Nobody is laughing at these peoples loss, they are laughing at the juxtaposition of very real human emotions and ridiculously inappropriate emojis.
They lost their children and spouses for making minor mistakes on Facebook? Man, Zuckerberg really does have too much power!
Yeah, if any of these old people found this post, they'd be like 😂😂🤣🤣
I find it hilarious. To each their own.
don’t hate the player, hate the game
The main ‘depravity’ I see here is that of the dissident Republican terrorist who pulled the trigger.
Depravity of the English Empire ?
I don’t know. Maybe. But regardless of your political affiliation, yesterday was an historical moment in sports and if you’re unable to appreciate that because you’re more concerned with performative wokeness, that’s to your detriment, not mine.
Athletes are measuring sticks.
Yes, unlike the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, NCAA, and Pro Tennis circuits, which are all proletarian exercises in egalitarianism, appealing first and foremost to the poor person in all of us sitting in the Poverty Suites at our publicly funded stadiums and arenas.
We should remember that Eichmann was horrible mostly as a result of his job. His job made him do some things that were unpalatable, but he had no choice but to do them.
Then I wanna fuck everyone’s grandma.
Thank you for communicating this concept. I tried for twenty minutes and couldn’t get it to not sound stupid.
I think a lot of this is just Paul being an idiot who admires a criminal.
Why is the Times acknowledgement that when Chelsea was convicted, it was prior to her transition, when she was known as Bradley - “wrong”? The transition does not erase the history of who she was prior, it simply corrects her to who she is. But when you look at legal records, they will not be edited to reflect the…