
And what practice is that, exactly?

Is it any competition to the beloved Steam or is it buying exclusives to make their platform stand out? If it’s the former, tough shit, get over it. If it’s the latter, uh...yeah, tough shit, get over it. They’re building their business and their brand, you don’t have to like it, but

I am so completely done with this absolutely fucking moronic, misguided horseshit crusade against Epic.

Look, I get it, the Epic store has a long way to go, but it’s been around for FOUR GODDAMN MONTHS! Valve has had 12 YEARS to develop and build up Steam to where it is now. Yes there are things the Epic store should

It’s a six month deal. Seriously if you’re disdain for loading a different program besides Steam is more intense than your love for the game you for some reason can’t play then I don’t know what to tell you. Like, I get it. We all have our hills we die on. But like, I just don’t get it. At all. You do you though. 

Schreier, I will always appreciate your deep-dives into the less glamorous sides of this hobby and the industry that supports it. While most of Kotaku’s articles are (and probably should be) focused on the games themselves, it’s incredibly important that we never lose sight of the human cost incurred in the production

I’m not a big Bernie fan, but I would watch this just to see him get surly with the FOX crowd.

Counter argument: nope.

“Kubo was visually stunning but poorly written like most Laika movies.”

this wrong take is taking up way too much space

This would’ve all been a lot funnier if the KFC DJ set had actually been good...

Shut the fuck up. This is exactly how we got the shit gibbon we have in the White House right now — because everyone is SICK of living in the land of the perpetually “offended”.  CONSTANTLY have to find something to bitch and moan about, well nobody fucking cares.

Remind us again how much money you’ve donated to those schools?

Bro, read the reddit commentary.  The kid who created the thread mentions that his school is in a struggling district.  Jesus.

Eat the anyone that has anything nicer that what I have.

I bet you’re an absolute blast at parities.  “who wants another slice of cake?” you: “you know there are children starving in the world that would like that cake”

North Bergen is a B district finanical group, with A being the poorest and J being the richest.

North Bergen is not arich school. Maybe do some basic research 

Nothing is ever good enough! Burn down North Bergen High School for equality!!! Roar!!!!!

Fuck off.

I’m really not 100% sure what the back-and-forth tone is doing here. “Is publishing this a good idea or a bad idea, who knows; she has publicly demonstrated a desire to change but is change even possible; cancel culture is bad, she’s canceled; I don’t want to insult her, she’s a grifter.

wow a twitter personality is a dick