
I agree, but people are too stupid to understand that the Senate would almost certainly not remove him and, if they did, then it just means Pence would take over.

These two ladies suck. Chelsea Clinton - an unelected person with no real power or platform is responsible for the NZ mosque attack??

“Your interpretation of our tweet is completely wrong! You killed people with it! Our interpretation of your tweet is completely right! Apologize to us! On video and on the internets!

So we’re supposed to be mad at Chelsea Clinton why exactly? These students just went up to a stranger and blamed her for 49 deaths based on nothing, at best they are unbelievably rude.

Trump is going to win so easily in 2020.

I have no love for the Clinton’s, but these students are 100% wrong on every level. This is a very lame event and controversy.

Of course it doesn't. These protesters are a joke.

Eh, I understand what they’re saying but they seem like they’re laying this at the feet of people like Chelsea, which is crazy. It also seems like they’re opportunists too. They saw someone who was famous and knew that confronting her would get a lot of attention, so they went for it. 

If you agree with the protesters about Clinton’s rhetoric contributing to this massacre, can you tell me how? I don’t get it.

Can we stop with the cranky hit pieces, Splinter?

Splinternews is closer to a Russian troll farm than any platform here in America. 

The correct response to bodyshaming is not more bodyshaming friend. Be part of the solution instead of the problem.

I don’t believe I named anyone nor pointed anyone out specifically. It was a general statement based on a decade of experience and exposure to literally thousands upon thousands of TCG players.

Wait wait wait wait .... wait

Ok Edgey McEdgerton

I fucking love this movie and Emily Browning. She sings her own parts.

I’m reminded of Meredith Kercher’s family, and how difficult it was for them to watch Amanda Knox’s trial become a total circus and then get her appeal and ultimately released. I personally believe Knox is innocent and her first trial was a total sham with an overzealous (to say the least) police and

Well, it’s almost like a reflex.

I believe Sid and Financy was making a joke, one certainly not worthy of such a nuclear reaction. Anon = Anonymous.