
Cecilia, you are undoubtedly the best working games journalist out there.  

I’ve Been waiting all day for this article. Thank you once again, Cecilia for not failing to disappoint my expectations on the narrative you chose.

I’m glad I can get my daily dose of schadenfreude from this disaster given the coverage of Fallout 76 had evaporated alongside its playerbase.

Anthem really is the gift that keeps on giving.

Agreed, this site and The Root has nicknames for every white chick that calls the cops on black people for dumb shit even tho that sometimes black people have died having the cops called on them for no reason.

It didn’t work with Gayle. But how many people watching do you think were maybe swayed by his display of grief?

Yep. This.

And, most importantly, how many women and girls victimized by him are watching us watching him and wondering why so many of us think this is so fucking funny?

I think you’re right about everything except this particular interview. Because in this particular interview, we’re all laughing at this stupid motherfucker for trying to cry his way outta this shit. And applauding Gayle for not giving him any applause for his acting performance.

a site for boys who wanna grow up to be Donald Trump Jr.

“Reparations” can mean a lot of different things. Cash payouts of thousands if not hundreds of thousands to people who are not prepared will not improve their lives in the long run. You don’t fix poverty with financial payouts, there have to be long term institutional changes first.

Insanity defense: Her hunger for crab legs made Chequita bananas.

+1 Reich

Like old Hitler, Brown will spend the next few months in South America, where he hopes to introduce American football to a new audience. 

You would say that, you abortion loving commie! Fuck off!

“I would never be brave enough to do what Jussie did. He put his personal freedom at stake and shined a light into some dark corners that need cleaning. In a way, I’m proud of him. Because it doesn’t necessarily matter that this event didn’t happen. It matters that it could happen. That’s the real issue here. So good

Well, it didn’t take long for his apologists to slither out into the light.

I’m glad, I guess, to know bankers think Sherrod Brown isn’t so bad.

Is Peter Theil underwriting this one?

This is what a fest/con looks like when planned by amateurs. Look people it takes a significant amount of time to pull off a good convention. It takes a minimum of 2 1/2 years to properly plan one, and that is assuming there are no major delays.