
Didn’t you hear? Context doesn’t matter. Only righteousness. 

To be fair, I read that passage and came away thinking that Liam Neeson was ashamed to have had that reaction. This is the interviewer’s editorialization, but it’s still mentioned...

Precisely. He’s brave af to own up to his disgusting impulse. Folks all up and through here acting like nobody else has had thoughts like this. Please. 

Nah, admitting these kind of impulses is important rather than pretending they don’t exist.

I felt the same way when I attended my first live F-Zero race. It looks way slower on the SNES than it does in person. Those fuckers are crazy.

Came for this, wasn’t disappointed.

So should Google start blocking search results that mention criminals or other problematic people? Spotify ain’t the goddamn police. It is a media consumption platform, just like Jezebel, which by the way is the only place I have ever heard mention the 69xxx dude.

From Mallory:

yeah bitch, star and move on

One can say that Richie (•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■), went private....

Anybody know Anna’s phone number?

And, to some extent, you have to grant them the win. The media did run with a race-bait story that turned out to be nothing of the sort. This site is similarly quick to gloat whenever a voter fraud story making the Fox circuit falls apart, and can you imagine the insanity that would be going down here had the family

This was a lot of words to say that you want clicks for being contrary.

If you don’t like a film genre, let me give you some advice, watch something else.

My two seconds after reading this reply experience: miming jerking off while rolling my eyes.

AOC believes her policies well revolutionize this country for the better. This cannot be proven as a fact. It’s an obvious opinion. Certainly one with a bit of knowledge and research behind it, but an opinion nonetheless.

Up Front: I’m a Democrat.

But the segment also revealed some of the biggest weaknesses of the American media: its superficiality, its Both Sides mentality, its centrist bias, and its inability to discuss policy on its merits.

“America is becoming more and more politically correct.” Here is another way to say it: “In America, it is becoming less acceptable to be overtly racist, sexist, or anti-gay.”

You call it a glitch, I call it a feature.

I suppose this is what happens when you try to make a career out of being a glorified fan of a company’s product.