
I can’t wait until Warner Bros. sues the crap out of the next story about a group of kids in a magical world for capturing the feeling of Harry Potter. I don’t think people realize how bad a precedent this is, as almost all media is a variation of what came before it.

Make no mistake, Blurred Lines is a gross sexist song that I’m happy has been largely forgotten.

Curb your expectations; a leaked pic shows he's just a Sonic Echo Fighter.

“I’d rather people get hurt than get rich” is an early leader for next year’s Worst Take of the Year award. 

I’m going to take a shot and say the first was at Texas?


This is the second funniest thing to happen involving a university clock tower.

Uh, that’s not an insult. That’s a statement about preference.


Your blind belief in a completely bullshit story also says a lot about you. 

That he’s not a completely gullible rube?  This story has red flags flying all over the damn place.

...uhuh. Pretty convenient. Person just sounds like a compulsive liar seeking attention. 

Just want Ivy to step on me


As far as the Stan Lee accusations go, old men being gropey assholes are standard issue at a lot of nursing homes (Although my strapping son had his ass grabbed a few times by the ladies in the home where he volunteered). Sad thing is, a lot of that behavior is a side-effect of Alzheimer’s. My friend’s dad was a

Not for nothing, but Lee was accused of sexual harassment and misconduct by multiple sources in multiple instances earlier this year, and those rushing to pay tribute to him generally aren’t talking about that, so even though it’s out of place in a dumb post about a dumb thing Hugh Jackman said on a talk show, there

Nice job shoehorning in those unsubstantiated claims about Lee.

Prople have been saying that as long as I've been alive ... I've been alive a long time.  

This particular corner of Hollywood doesn’t give a shit about your “backlash”. Between the hardcore fans that will watch the movie just because it’s called the same as that thing they’re fans of and clueless idiots that will watch it on itunes and netflix just to pass the time, they’ll be making plenty of money without

It’s better not to care.