Winnie the Pooh with body guards... Xi Jinping shade?
Winnie the Pooh with body guards... Xi Jinping shade?
We have not had a woman executed for witch craft in the west for over two century.
just a reminder to everyone commenting: you don’t care what happens on the simpsons and you haven’t watched for 10 years anyway.
B was the right move.
Guaranteed this guy has been part of dead letters.
Thank you. I’m sick of this idea that anyone who is a victim is automatically virtuous and saintly. Life doesn’t work that way. And that’s kind of the whole point of Heathers, which is why a reboot that’s also PC doesn’t make any kind of sense in the current climate.
But that isn’t what people have been fighting for. Why would we want an environment where marginalized people can only be saints and victims? Isn’t the whole point that people can be complex and deeply flawed and that’s what makes them interesting? I understand where your fervor on this comes from, but I think that in…
Fatigue, mostly. It’s not that they named one card, it’s that they named like hundreds of cards, went through multiple iterations, maybe the card effect changed at some point (like was originally ANY card, then changed to Black card later), and no one with fresh eyes were left to look over it.
You and I don’t agree on a lot of things...but this I agree with. People need to vote every year, in every level of election, without having to be fucking “mobilized”
What’s your point? Obama did it your way but Garland didn’t get confirmed anyway.
This. If there’s one thing Republicans do right, it’s understanding the importance of the Supreme Court, and appointing judges in general. They’re damn near obsessed, and for good reason. The Democrats are only now starting to catch on but progressives don’t seem to get that at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if…
The truth hurts, I know.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but am I the only one who’s a bit annoyed by all the passion from progressives on this issue? Trump’s Supreme Court nominations aren’t a surprise, we knew whoever won between he and Hillary would make 2-4 of them. Still, progressives couldn’t be bothered to come out and vote yet now…
No. They aren’t pissed because a woman was cast as a white man’s pet. They aren’t pissed because stupid White Man cast the wrong kind of Asian. They are upset because being upset is just how they spend their time. Outrage is the hobby of the bored and privileged.
I’m still paying off my most recent visit to Whole Foods … or as I like to call it, Whole Paycheck.
Everyone, just do the world a favor and don’t make public marriage proposals anymore.
Moral vacuums are nice to have sometimes. This is one of those times. Contrast with the most recent Tomb Raider, which was weakened overall by its failure to resolve its gameplay and the underlying moral dilemma of what that gameplay would lead to in the real world.
I do curfew checks where I work and the police come with us as both a security measurement and a community outreach. One of the mother’s of the kids we did these checks on said she didn’t want the police to come to the house because she didn’t want anyone to get shot. The city I work in (somewhat large and violent) has…
I know this is a weird and unpopular concept for the people of this site, but most cops are just commoners who want to help their community. Definitely take a minute to breathe and compose yourself before responding.
I do wish characters could ever just be good friends. And this has nothing to do with their sex, I feel the same way about men and women characters too. I can enjoy a love story as much as the next person, but I think just being close friends with someone is relatable too.