
This is a bad take.   

EA, a company desperate for good PR, is spending a million dollars on good PR.  That’s really all this is.  

Dear Lord that was long...

This is the dumbest fucking post I’ve yet seen in the year of our lord 2018. You could take Richard Pryor’s most killer material and distill it down in a snarky and offputting blob of text and make it sound like he was a shitty comedian. The purpose of this post is clearly to try to put Ansari back up on that cross of

this post probably never would have been considered newsworthy enough to print”

Your honestly is appreciated and yet still lost on most of those hypocritically criticizing.

Ive rly never considered porn while gaming. You've changed a life today sir

Jesus, I know. The coverage across GMG has been atrocious.

Thank you! I don’t even like Cortez much but I totally agree that the “well, actually...” followed by demonizing him when the body is barely cold is in bad taste. I know people have trouble hearing all of McCain’s good qualities lauded, but he was a mixed bag on both a personal and professional level. The fact that

Politics is bad, twitter is poison, put them together and you see the worst of people. Progressive, liberals, conservatives, libertarians, doesn’t matter people are blinded by politics and twitters anonymity brings out the worse in them. Thank you for being a sane and decent person.

Yay, I found a sane person!

THE RIGHT: These Leftists are rising in popularity. We must tear them down!

So... Slow news week, then. ;)

They are being paid to be offended. It is manufactured outrage. Sane people don’t give a shit about this.

Yesterday around this time there was an article about being unable to find batteries for an Xbox controller, with everyone responding to ask why the author just hadn’t bought rechargeables by this point.  Just saying.

Slow news day, eh?

Yet another “why is this even an article on Kotaku?” moment.

I don’t post notes like this in Soulsborne games, nor do I find them funny... however, getting tilted enough to make a 2 page dissertation on the matter is fucking ludicrous. Go outside. Lighten up. Do literally anything else with your life.

I think they’re funny. Amazing Chest Ahead I think was sort of the classic one after defeating O&S.

Who gives a shit? This is like saying “Blocks are great except kids spell BOOBS”. 

Oh no... A subset of a subset of people has been offended but in no real way affected by a joke. My heart goes out to them.
I hope deleting the tweet was enough, and pray they recover swiftly.