
Um, if it had nothing to do with the city, then why is the T-Rex short for Torontosauras Rex, idiot.

Baseball has been played for over 100 years the exact same way...

Remember the last time he denied something? I can’t wait for the Oprah special on this one where it turns out he really actually died from testicular cancer many years ago and he had a secret evil twin ruin his good name with all that doping.

short answer: no

I pity whoever wakes up next to James Harden, because there is not an inch of that bed that he didn’t shit all over.

“banged one in with his off-hand”...

Harvey is said to have answered his own door in his pajamas

It was later discovered that he had only bought the organization so that he could hold a “Despite All My Rage I Am Still Just a Rat In a Cage Match”.

If someone asks you a question — any question — that begins with “Who won the,” your wild-ass guess should never be “North Korea.”

Kind of an extreme way to make the move to skeleton

Amazing how just seconds after he was hacked, he managed to sleepwalk to his phone and delete the tweet while sleeping.

That price point makes it impossible for me to even see the shoes. It’s like they’re sitting behind a giant price tag. I’m looking at them, but all I’m thinking is “that better be 24K gold on those shoes.”

The fact that he was a sociopathic murderer actually does makes his suicide much less sad than, say, the suicide of a normal person that never felt the need to kill someone over a spilt cocktail.

I would argue that him being a bad guy does indeed make this less sad.

Blind Side 2: Aggressive Uberoo


Can’t wait until the midterms when we can finally slapshot these dummies out of the ballpark for a three point golazo spare. FORE!

Who can forget Ryan Kesler