Every headline about this terrible story should be, Child Dies In Trump Concentration Camp.
Every headline about this terrible story should be, Child Dies In Trump Concentration Camp.
+2 on the glass
Don’t forget Stanley Johnson over Myles Turner/Devin Booker!
I too once took a crap in the middle of a stage and now for some reason I’m banned for life from Carnegie Hall.
7 out of 10 according to the broadcasters.
I have the solution. Any player not in the lineup due to tiredness has to spend the entire game not sitting on the bench cheering on the scrubs but in the upper levels of the arena taking pics and signing autographs for the fans.
Step 1 to make America great again: return the Armed Forces back to the Glory days.
That’s what she said.
Going to take a lot more than 3 to beat Johnny Manziel’s record for most shots at a Heisman party.
I’m a fellow RVHS alum. Still can’t believe our little school produced an MLB player and a Playboy Playmate of the Year.
2 pitchers with HRs in the same postseason series.
+1 inanimate object
1:30 p.m. — History — United 93
My post says vandalized a gas station, nothing about a door.
Think I'll wait for the Tyrion, should only cost $100.
That headline is misleading. I mean yeah the guy was crying but I didn't see any vomit.