Chad Giroux

At this point it's either laugh or gouge my eyes out.

Gabriel has gone way past conflicted and is now just an annoying, sniveling whiner. The writers need to kill him off or get him past this crisis before viewers actually start killing themselves from having to watch this shit.

Holy fuck this is epic.

Appreciate the info thx

Haha, yes zombies go from Herculean strength to apparently being paper mache-esque.

Keep in mind we didn't see who Rick shot, Reg was bleeding out and going to need something done to prevent him from turning. Perhaps that's who Rick shot…

Totally got that…

Agreed, they placed Maggie in earshot for a reason - to counter the full potential of Gabriel's info.

The thing about Deanna is that she hasn't actually said alot about what she's thinking or feeling. We just get alot of concern and weight on her face. I think the show wants to point us in, what would seem to be, the obvious direction but Deanna has layers. Amidst everything going on, when she's interviewing or

I think the scenes in which we are made to believe that she is filled with regret and fear are purposely misleading. I suspect that she is struggling with how to get these new people adjusted, and put the reins on Rick. Consider her play with Pete, a highly valued surgeon - she "looked the other way" with the

You're right but it's nonsense to think that EVERYBODY within those walls shouldn't be getting training with guns, etc. They can't defend themselves or protect what they've built. Furthermore they take huge risks regularily, to keep their dream world going. I mean they have a god damn clocktower and it never

Uhhh hello??!?! Bake casseroles damnit!!!

Not sure if this was 100% the last sighting, but we saw him well after the Terminus fiasco. Infact, even after the group dealt with the last Terminus survivors and split up to continue their mission, Morgan showed up at the church.

I thought they did a great job with Korl when he first met the teens. His awkwardness and inexperience at being a "regular" kid was a compelling scene.

Yes he is counting money somewhere, eating pie…

I think what really scares her is that she had a lapse of judgement by confiding in Rick in the first place.

Haha total erection fail!!!!!

Well having a baby would be somewhat logical - if for no reason other than an accident. I guess we assume that Glenn picks up some domes on his supply runs?? Hell maybe that's his sole motivation… "there's no way I'm not bonin' my hot wife". That said the group would be hard pressed with two babies on the move, so

Great point that I haven't seen made yet. I think the cast is so damn big right now they are overlooking certain characters.

Bingo… I also believe that everything Rick espouses since arriving is meant to serve as ominous.