Chad Giroux

All that lies between Rick's annoying but truthful ranting is a wall. If ever compromised, the Alexandrians will have to get out of their beds with freshly washed linens, put on their housecoats and slippers, go to the supply room and arm themselves (after a quick snack). Not to mention that they must risk

You know, apocalypse aside, people will still be people. It's smaller details like this that I can fully buy into. Her son just died and she's grieving - who gives a shit about a casserole, from people who u suspect of killing your son nonetheless?!?

Yep… totally agree.

I would say the group is already split - those who are at peace and those who aren't.

Ya he was feeling like an outcast which I totally understand. Bad enough its a zombie apocalypse, but now the "solution" is to live in a gated suburb surrounded by casserole dish toting suburbanites?!?! He has found his place in the community much like Michon has…

Pretty sure after that hand touch - Rick had to explain premature ejaculation…

You're right… but in the end she did what most people do in the face of abuse.

Oh and we will need a stock exchange (said the truly most evil character)

System for what???!!?? To decide fates of people who burn their casseroles?? They have a few problems that need rectifying after that its back to knitting sweater vests… for people who can't knit themselves of course lol.

I think that's the assumption…

Totally agree - I think the "W" problem will appear in time to unite both sides in Alexandria.

I doubt that they are Alexandrians. The show is building them up to appear, at the very least, willing to do "what needs to be done" in this kill or be killed world. And where have we heard warnings about that?? Right, its like they are moving toward Rick having some logic behind all of this after all. The

Its clearly a W - three distinct markings to form it, which angle out in an over emphasysed W.

Bravo man you handled this WAY better than I would have. You are a message board hero bruh…

I totally feel ya bro… infact how could any of us go as far as binks here and really know just how we would act in this situation??!!? Its a TV show about what appears to be humanity's extinction - could help to have a doctor.

She did what most people do in the face of abuse…

I am enjoying the Alexandria plot as well… much better than their time in the prison.

Overall I enjoyed this episode - it was paced nicely and even though some of the scenes (Karl & his girl, Sacha in the woods) were awkward, they were believable. I mean Karl is essentially a grown man in this new world - a man with "needs" lol.

Frankly I think whatever is behind the "W" will appear in time to unite the entire town - they will join forces for a greater good and realize they all need to chill… That said I have no idea where this Pete thing will go because one way or the other something will now have to be done, either by Rick or Deanna.

Haha, perfect.