Chad Giroux

Most of the characters with these traits have also been passive and/or unable to contribute through physical means. The message seems rather bold with a character like Tyrese, one who is more than capable of killing, defending, etc - he just won't. While it seems somewhat reasonable that he could be distracted and

Totally agree.

Ya it's not something I have ever taken issue with either and frankly, most of the Zombies appear to be white people so what is that saying?? Right… that black people were like "Zombies?!?! Oh hell naw we gettin the fuck outta here!!" No, not really but maybe we should get some equal opportunity there as well. ;)

Funny that was my thought when he finally decided to get it out in this episode - of course he dropped it, he never even used the thing for nails let alone Zombies.

Make your point…

I stopped watching back in the prison days because I felt just as you do now… I just didn't give a shit. At least now they are out in the world and hopefully something will shake up this show.

Fully agree, especially as the brutality and coldness increases but perhaps with the addition of Eugene and the Rev the writers felt they could spare some of the show's heart.

I wonder about their intentions behind this too, but I am thinking that they must make way for Eugene and the Rev. You just can't have half of the group be dead weight - people who are unable or unwilling to kill. May have worked if they were still in a comfy prison, but a 100 mile trek to Washington will be a

I am the furthest thing from a critic, but it seems like the show has just killed off a big part of it's "heart" with both Beth and now Tyrese. It's almost as though the show is saying, "try as hard as you like, but sympathy/empathy and senitment will get you killed". I suppose we must now look to the Rev for these