Chachi Wawa Shorti

I hate to put the onus on one man, bur Tom Brady is key here. He kneels, and everything goes berserk.

MN resident and Vikings fan here. We may be blue, but trust me when I say, go 15 minutes any direction out of the twin cities and we’re just as much a bunch of mouth breathing, ‘but her emails’, not worth the distraction, ignorants as any southern state. On that note, if we seriously trot Keenum’s ass out there

I totally agree with you, but you cannot disregard the years of Pop Warner, High School, College, practice, etc...

He only played in 44 career games and still had severe CTE.

‘Get me Jon Gruden!’

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: police union spokesmen are the worst people in America.

Once again, iPhone users must rely on a third-party accessory to get a feature that comes built-in on Samsung phones.

And they would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for those meddling kids!

Disgusting that the Bears would treat a team owner like this.

“How does it handle wind from behind?”

“How does it handle wind from behind?”

She’s a dumbass and you’re a dumbass. What she did wasn’t badass, it was reckless as fuck. She cared more for her car than she did for her life. She put the line in the wrong spot. It doesn’t go “your life, your car, the line” it goes “your life, the line, your car”. Frankly, if you were to marry her I’d hope to god

I can’t tell if this is a poor attempt at sarcasm or extreme loneliness sprinkled with a dash of desperation

A verbal warning for going 30 MPH over the speed limit? Where I’m from you go to jail at 25 over. No questions asked. Then again, Dwight Howard.

A verbal warning for 30 over? Holy shit. Isn’t that a Reckless driving misdemeanor?

Here’s a fact: big men who play through broken toes and feet wind up fucking themselves up more. Ask Bill Walton and Kevin McHale. Here’s another fact: the universe of people who care about whether your girlfriend’s act of toughness potentially impaired the future health of her feet is a lot smaller than the universe

Thank you for this incredibly kind comment. I screen shotted it so when I have bad days I can look back at it! :)

Someone cross-post this to Jezebel where they seem to believe that women never, ever, ever do this.

Shouldn't the Eagles' PR staff have some sort of policy against their players following other teams?